
Deepening international cooperation and working together for a win-win future


  On the morning of November 30, the 2023 European Enterprise Lishui Industry Matchmaking Conference "Gathering together to work together to create the future with wisdom" was held in Xingzhuang Science and Technology Industrial Park. This matchmaking event was a special event in Lishui of the 2023 World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference. 36 companies in the region carried out in- depth docking with 22 companies in Europe to seek cooperation opportunities and discuss industrial development. This matchmaking event was a special event in Lishui of the 2023 World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference. Francesco Guadagno, Deputy District Mayor of Colleferro District in Rome, Italy, Song Hansi, Executive President of the Asian Region of Messe Stuttgart , Germany, and other European business representatives, District Mayor Miao Xiumei, and district leaders Liu Jia and Zhai Xiaoli attended the event. , Germany, and other European business representatives, District Mayor Miao Xiumei, and district leaders Liu Jia and Zhai Xiaoli attended the event.

  On the morning of November 30, 2023, the "Meet Future Intelligent Manufacturer in Lishui" European and Lishui Enterprises Industry Exchange Conference was held at the Xingzhuang Technology Industrial Park. This docking meeting is a special event of the 2023 World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference in Lishui , where 36 local enterprises engaged in in-depth discussions in the field of Intelligent Manufacturing. This docking meeting is a special event of the 2023 World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference in Lishui , where 36 local enterprises engaged in in-depth discussions with 22 European enterprises to explore collaborative opportunities and discuss industrial development. Representatives from European enterprises, including Francesco Guadagno, Vice District Mayor, Minister of Economic Development, and Mr. Giovanni Livorno, were present at the meeting. District Mayor, Minister of Economic Development, Colleferro, Rome, ltaly and Song Hansi , CEO of Stuttgart Exhibition Group in the Asia-Pacific region, joined the event. Miao Xiumei, District Mayor, and Liu Jia and Zhai Xiaoli also participated.

  Francesco Guadagno said in his speech that international cooperation is the engine of technological innovation and the integration of classic culture and is crucial to the development of Italy. and is crucial to the development of Italy. Colleferro District focuses on the aerospace field and supports local enterprises and universities to spread the culture of open innovation. It will be awarded the title of European Space Capital in 2021. awarded the title of European Space Capital in 2021. It hopes to use this matchmaking meeting as an opportunity to cooperate with Lishui in the economic and cultural fields. It is also hoped that Promote successful cooperation by deepening mutual understanding.

  In his speech, Francesco Guadagno emphasized the importance of international cooperation as an engine for technological innovation and the fusion of classical culture, particularly for the development of Italy. In his speech, Francesco Guadagno emphasized the importance of international cooperation as an engine for technological innovation and the fusion of classical culture, particularly for the development of Italy. Colleferro District focuses on the aerospace sector, supporting local businesses and universities in spreading an open and innovative culture. They earned the title of the European Aerospace Capital in 2021. Guadagno expressed the hope that this docking meeting would serve as an opportunity for cooperation between Lishui and Colleferro in economic and cultural fields. emphasized the importance of deepening mutual understanding to achieve successful collaboration.

  Liu Jia, standing committee member of the district committee and vice mayor of the district, said in his speech that the door of China's opening is opening wider and wider, the exchanges and interactions are becoming more and more frequent, and there are already a lot of European enterprises that have landed in this piece of land of Lishui, taking root and developing vigorously. We hope that this event will create a platform for openness, communication and cooperation, that overseas enterprises will find opportunities to land and develop in Lishui, and that Lishui enterprises will move to a bigger stage.

  Liu Jia, Member of the Standing Committee of the Lishui District Party Committee, Deputy head of the District People's Government stated in her speech that China's doors are opening wider, and exchanges are becoming more frequent. Several European enterprises have already been rooted and flourished in Lishui. Several European enterprises have already rooted and flourished in Lishui. The goal of the event is to create an open, interactive, and cooperative platform for everyone. The goal of the event is to create an open, interactive, and cooperative platform for everyone. She hopes that overseas enterprises can find opportunities for development in Lishui, and local enterprises can expand onto a larger stage.

  Zhai Xiaoli, vice mayor of Lishui, promoted Lishui from four aspects: location and environment, economy and industry, openness and cooperation, and service and tolerance.

  Deputy Mayor of Lishui District People's Government Zhai Xiaoli introduced Lishui from four aspects: "location and environment, economy and industry, openness and cooperation, and service and inclusiveness. Zhai Xiaoli introduced Lishui from four aspects: "location and environment, economy and industry, openness and cooperation, and service and inclusiveness."

  The 22 European enterprises participating in the conference involve automobiles, batteries, new materials, advanced manufacturing, aerospace and other fields, which are well matched with the four leading industries of Lishui, namely, new energy vehicles, new medicine and life health, intelligent manufacturing equipment and smart home. Among the 36 enterprises in Lishui, there are leading enterprises in the fields of new energy vehicles, intelligent manufacturing and hydrogen energy storage, and more than 20 enterprises plan to expand overseas markets and carry out technical exchange and cooperation. During the event, representatives of Lishui enterprises, such as Kaiwu New Energy Automobile Group, and European enterprises, such as Avio, made speeches to introduce the basic situation of their respective enterprises, product categories and technical advantages, and expressed their good visions of further strengthening exchanges, deepening cooperation and seeking common development. At the same time, the activity arranged docking and exchange sessions, Xiaohu Technology will be based on the situation of on-site docking, follow-up continuous tracking and services.

  The 22 European enterprises participating in the event span various fields, including automobiles, batteries, new materials, advanced manufacturing, aerospace, etc., aligning well with Lishui's four main industries: new energy vehicles, new medicine and life health, intelligent The 22 European enterprises participating in the event span various fields, including automobiles, batteries, new materials, advanced manufacturing, aerospace, etc., aligning well with Lishui's four main industries: new energy vehicles, new medicine and life health, intelligent manufacturing equipment, and smart home. Among the 36 local enterprises from Lishui, there are leading companies in new energy vehicles, intelligent manufacturing, and hydrogen energy storage, as well as in the development of new technologies. manufacturing, and hydrogen energy storage, as well as over 20 companies planning to expand overseas markets and engage in technical exchanges and cooperation. During the event, representatives from Lishui enterprises such as Skywell New Energy Automobile Group. During the event, representatives from Lishui enterprises such as Skywell New Energy Automobile Group. They expressed their shared vision of strengthening exchanges, deepening cooperation , and collaborating for mutual development. At the same time, the activity has arranged docking and exchange links, and Tiger&Tech will continue to track and service according to the situation of on-site docking.

  As an important hub for Nanjing's industrial development, Lishui's economic and trade cooperation with Europe has become increasingly close in recent years, becoming an important source of foreign investment in Lishui. Lishui's economic and trade cooperation with Europe has become increasingly close in recent years, becoming an important source of foreign investment in Lishui. Among the nearly 300 foreign-invested enterprises in the region, there are Brembo from Italy, Siemens from Germany, Valeo from France, etc. Products from well-known European companies and industrial chain Products from well-known European companies and industrial chain companies, such as Skyworth, Hengtian, and Xipu, have entered the European market. Their "circle of friends" continues to expand, cooperation continues to deepen, and fields continue to expand.

  As a significant hub for industrial development in Nanjing, Lishui has seen increasingly close economic and trade cooperation with Europe in recent years. It has become an important source of foreign investment for Lishui, with nearly 300 foreign-funded enterprises in the region, including well - known European companies like Brebo from Italy, Siemens from Germany, and Valeo from France. It has become an important source of foreign investment for Lishui, with nearly 300 foreign-funded enterprises in the region, including well - known European companies like Brebo from Italy, Siemens from Germany, and Valeo from France. Products from enterprises like Skyworth, Hengtian, and Sipu have entered the European market. Products from enterprises like Skyworth, Hengtian, and Sipu have entered the European market, expanding the "circle of friends," deepening cooperation, and continually expanding into new domains. expanding into new domains.
