
Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to convey the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.

On July 20, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Municipal Party Committee Secretary Han Liming presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that the Third Plenary Session of the Twentieth CPC Central Committee was an extremely important meeting held during the critical period of comprehensively advancing the construction of a strong nation and the great cause of national rejuvenation by means of Chinese-style modernization.

The Plenary focused on the study and deployment of further comprehensively deepening the reform and advancing the Chinese-style modernization and made the decision, which demonstrated the strong determination and strong mission bearing of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to carry the reform to the end, and embodied the historical initiative of improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and advancing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, with a clear theme, great significance and far-reaching impact.

The city should study and implement the spirit of the Plenary Session as a major political task in the current and future period, fully understand the significance of the Plenary Session of the milestone of the past, complete and accurate grasp of the core essence of the Plenary Session and the spirit of the essence of the Plenary Session, in order to firmly embrace the "two establishments", resolutely do the "two maintains With the consciousness of thought and action of firmly upholding the "two establishments" and resolutely realizing the "two safeguards", the Party Central Committee's strategic plan will be put into practice in a solid and practical manner.

The meeting emphasized that since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a major strategic plan to comprehensively deepen the reform with great historical initiative, great political courage, and strong responsibility, leading the whole party, the whole army and the whole nation to start a new process of reform that is as magnificent as a rainbow and magnificent as a wave. General Secretary Xi Jinping has made many important speeches and instructions for Jiangsu, giving us the important mission of "exploring the way for national development" and "striving to be at the forefront of comprehensively deepening reform". Nanjing, as the capital city of the province, should take out the posture of the front-runner and the responsibility of the pathfinder, and continue to push the reform forward on the new journey with a sense of urgency and responsibility.

To accurately grasp the guiding ideology of further comprehensively deepening reformsIn addition, a series of new ideas and views of General Secretary Xi Jinping on comprehensively deepening reforms have been taken as the fundamental guideline to continuously open up new horizons of reform and development.

To accurately grasp the theme of further comprehensively deepening reformIt is also planning and promoting reforms that are tightly focused on the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization, focusing on cracking deep-rooted systemic and institutional obstacles and structural contradictions, and constantly enhancing the momentum and vitality of socialist modernization.

To accurately grasp the objectives and principles of further deepening the reform in a comprehensive mannerIn this regard, the Government should further enhance the scientific, foreseeable, proactive and creative nature of the reforms in the light of the general objectives and the six major principles emphasized in the Decision.

To accurately grasp the major initiatives to further deepen the reform in a comprehensive mannerIn addition, it has highlighted the problem-oriented approach, centered on the needs of development and responded to the wishes of the people, and focused on solving the blocking problems that restrict high-quality development, the hotspots that affect social justice, the difficulties in people's livelihoods, the outstanding problems in Party construction, and the risk problems in various fields.

To accurately grasp the fundamental guarantee for further comprehensively deepening reformsIt will unswervingly carry the Party's leadership through all aspects of the reform process, deepen the reform of the Party's construction system, push forward the construction of a clean Party and the fight against corruption, and lead a great social revolution with a great self-revolution.

The meeting stressed that the city's party organizations at all levels to quickly set off a wave of learning, propaganda and implementation, widely publicized and publicized, and promote the spirit of the Plenary Session into the brain into the heart into the line. To systematically plan the implementation of the city's reform, in-depth investigation and research, and refine the implementation of initiatives. To enhance the ability to plan and promote the level of reform, to nail the spirit of reform implementation. To solidly grasp the current key work, better integration of development and security, and continue to consolidate and enhance the economic upturn to the good trend.
