
Why they "gather in Li" and stay in Li

The ancient city of a thousand years hand in hand with a hundred years old school, the school and the two-way run to the re-scoring chapter.

On August 20, the Baima Campus of Nanjing Forestry University (NFU), located in Baima Town, Lishui District, was officially opened, a comprehensive cooperation agreement was signed between NFU and Lishui District People's Government, and six innovation platforms, such as the Institute of Carbon Neutrality and Eco-Products Valorization, were unveiled at the same time.

  In recent years, Lishui has opened its arms to embrace colleges and universities, and now six colleges and universities, such as Nanjing Forestry University and Nanjing Agricultural University, have settled in the area. How will the new campus empower local development, and how will Lishui write a new chapter of school-land integration?Hakuba Campus openedWill welcome the first 5,000+ students and faculty

  In less than 5 minutes, you will arrive at Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) Baima Campus ("Baima Campus" for short) after coming down from Baima Toll Station of Ninghang Expressway. Entering the campus, the grass and trees are lush, the flags are flying, the large green space is refreshing, and the ink-colored courtyard-style teaching buildings are very characteristic of Jiangnan.

Baima Campus

  Baima Campus covers a total planning area of 1,971 mu, with a total building scale of 1,140,000 square meters. The campus opened this time has a total building area of 230,000 square meters, including the Learning Institute Building and the living area, of which, the Institute Building consists of 4 clusters, with 51 laboratories of various types and 85 multimedia classrooms, and there is a connecting corridor between each cluster, which is not only a storm corridor between buildings, but also a public communication space for students. The living area consists of 6 dormitory buildings and a cafeteria, which can satisfy the living and study of 6000 teachers and students.

  As the birthplace of modern forestry higher education in China, Nanjing Forestry University is a national "double first-class" construction university. The construction of Baima Campus is a new achievement of the cooperation between Lishui and Nanjing Forestry University.

Since the start of the construction of the Nanlin Baima teaching and research base in 2012, Lishui has fully supported the development and construction of Nanlin University, and a number of national forest technology centers and germplasm resource banks have been approved here. "Since the construction of the White Horse Campus, the campus construction command has collaborated and linked with Nanjing National Agricultural High-Tech Zone, and has been working on the map to ensure that the project is pushed forward in a timely manner, reflecting the perfect combination of 'Lishui speed' and 'South Forest Spirit'. " The relevant person in charge of Nanjing Forestry University said that the Baima Campus, as an important wing in the strategic layout of the school's "one school, three districts", will take the service of local economic development as the focus point, relying on the high-quality resources and industrial advantages of Nanjing National Agricultural Hi-Tech Zone, and help Lishui become a frontrunner in regional development.

  In mid-September, the Whitehorse campus will welcome its firstMore than 5,000Teachers and students, they will start a wonderful college life in Lishui.

The number of university students staying in Liyang is increasing year by year.

  In late August, entering the college season, freshmen are preparing for enrollment, and a group of university graduates staying in Lishui embarked on their jobs to pursue their dreams in Lishui.

  Recently, Nanjing City Vocational College of new energy automobile technology graduates Huang Xintong end of the internship period, to become a new energy power assembly worker in the battery workshop of Nanjing Changan Automobile Company Limited, responsible for battery assembly, he said, new energy automobile technology is an emerging profession, and his battery workshop is also a new workshop in Nanjing Changan, the specialty coincides with the needs of the factory, and is very happy to become a member of Nanjing Changan! He said that the specialty of new energy vehicle technology is a new specialty and the battery workshop where he works is also a new workshop in Nanjing Changan.

  Nanjing Chang'an new factory is a national 5G factory, the company's human resources department organization and staff development room supervisor Bao Xingyan introduction, the new factory automation, high degree of intelligence, requires employees to have a certain degree of theoretical knowledge and operational skills, this year a total of 12 fresh graduates from the Nanjing City Vocational College through the internship assessment, to be employed in Nanjing Chang'an.

 New energy automobile industry is the "first dominant" industry in Lishui District, in recent years, China's new energy automobile industry is in short supply of talents, in order to promote the development of the industry, Lishui District actively promotes the integration of the school and the local community, and helps the development of the industry, Nanjing City Vocational College has opened the specialties closely related to the new energy automobile industry, such as intelligent control technology, new energy automobile technology, cloud computing technology application, etc., since it was relocated to Lishui in 2018. Cloud computing technology application and other professions closely related to the new energy automobile industry, and more than 100 graduates are delivered to new energy automobile enterprises in Lishui every year.

As an emerging growth pole in the south of Nanjing, Lishui is accelerating the construction of a new growth pole for the development of the city's advanced manufacturing industry, with a full range of industries, strong innovation clusters and strong development momentum. Last year, Lishui was successfully recognized as an advanced district for promoting high-quality development in the province, and ranked 52nd among the top 100 districts in the country in terms of comprehensive strength. At the same time, it is also the first and only national agricultural high altitude zone in the Yangtze River Delta, and a national urban-rural integration development pilot area, with a wide range of "three rural" research, reform and innovation vitality, and a good place for agricultural science and technology research. The relevant person in charge of Lishui District said that Lishui has "industry" and "agriculture", is the city's only experimental zone for high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, has distinctive characteristics of modern agriculture, and is accelerating to build a new era of modernized suburban new towns, which needs young talents to join Lishui and inject new vitality into Lishui's innovation and development. It needs young talents to join Lishui and inject new vitality into its innovation and development, and at the same time, it has the foundation and conditions for students to have a good environment for learning, good space for growth and good future for development in Lishui.

  In recent years, the attraction of Lishui to college students has gradually increased, and the number of college students staying in Lishui has increased year by year. Hu Huaqiu, director of the Labor Employment and Training Management Center of Lishui District Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau, introduced that local colleges and universities in Lishui have cultivated a large number of available talents for the local area by combining the characteristics of the local industry, among which more than 200 college students from Pujiang College of Nanjing University of Technology stay in Lishui for employment every year. Last year, Lishui added more than 8,000 college graduates, about one-third of which came from local universities in Lishui.Deepening CooperationOpening new space for school-ground integration

  Colleges and universities are valuable assets for local development, up to now, Lishui has gathered six colleges and universities, such as Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing Agricultural University, Jiangsu Second Normal College, Pujiang College of Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing Urban Vocational College and Nanjing Visual Arts Vocational College.

  In recent years, Lishui has deeply implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, vigorously pushed forward the construction of a strong talent district, actively promoted the in-depth integration of industry, academia and research, provided more practice opportunities and jobs for college students, and attracted college graduates to come to Lishui, stay in Lishui and return to Lishui.

  In May this year, Lishui District launched the "Gathering Lishui" action and released a series of employment policies, providing subsidies and grants for travel, housing, social security and other aspects. It is understood that Lishui small and medium-sized enterprises can get a one-time employment subsidy of 1,500 yuan per person for newly recruited fresh graduates, small and micro enterprises can get a full subsidy for one year for paying social insurance for college graduates, and a maximum of 100,000 yuan of incentives for attracting and retaining talents in manufacturing enterprises. College students who have been engaged in agricultural entrepreneurship or employment in Lishui for 3 years and graduated not more than 5 years ago can also get full subsidies for tuition fees. In addition, Lishui District has held many activities such as college students' visit to Lishui and "Charming Nanjing, Happy Lishui" attracting talents to colleges and universities.

  In order to further promote resource sharing, discipline co-construction, joint innovation and school-local integration, Lishui set up a university alliance including six universities, Lishui Youth League Committee and other units, with Nanjing Forestry University as the first council chairman.

  At the opening ceremony of the Baima campus, Lishui District and Nanjing Forestry University signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement focusing on scientific and technological innovation and rural revitalization, and at the same time, a number of university-land co-built innovation platforms were inaugurated, such as the Institute of Carbon Neutrality and Ecological Product Valorization, the National Engineering Research Center for Low-Carbon and High-Efficiency Utilization of Woody Biomass, the Institute of Understory Economy, the Research Institute for Woody Biological Breeding Industry, the International Training Center for Forestry Science and Technology, and the Technology Park of Nanjing Forestry University. A number of joint innovation platforms have been unveiled, opening up a new space for school-land cooperation and a new curtain for integrated development.

"I hope that SFLU will import these innovative platforms and innovative talents into Baima and Lishui, so that more scientific and technological achievements can be transformed in Lishui, improve the 'three lists' of enterprise demand, university matching, and transformation policy, and work together to open up the 'last kilometer' of the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. ', and break out a new way of connecting industry, academia and research." The main person in charge of Lishui District Party Committee said that it will work hand in hand and walk side by side with SFA to write a brand new chapter of collaborative innovation and mutual benefit and win-win situation.
