
Promoting industrial strength, Nanjing does so!

  The morning of September 25, the city held a "sustained economic recovery to the good" series of thematic press conference theme four "greater efforts to promote industrial strength of the city" special press conference, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, respectively, around the strong chain chain extension chain, Development of headquarters economy, strengthen scientific and technological innovation to lead and drive the work of the highlights of the effectiveness of the interpretation of the relevant policy details.

Deepen the strong chain to supplement and extend the chain

Highlights: the eighth largest number of new national "small giants" in the country

  In recent years, the city continues to accelerate the construction of independent and controllable advanced manufacturing system, in the strong chain to supplement the chain to extend the chain to show a new role in a greater effort to promote the industrial strength of the city, to promote the high-quality development of the real economy
--Cultivating and expanding "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).Strengthen the policy leadership, clear development direction, the implementation of gradient cultivation, innovation-driven, strong and complementary chain, accurate factor protection and other "six projects"; the implementation of gradient cultivation, strengthen the foundation of development, focusing on the "266" innovative industrial system, support enterprises around Focusing on the "266" innovative industrial system, supporting enterprises to enhance their comprehensive competitiveness around specialization, refinement, specialization and innovation ability; encouraging innovative development to enhance the development strength, organizing the docking between specialized and new enterprises and universities such as Nanda University and Dongda University, accelerating the transfer of scientific and technological achievements of the universities to specialized and new enterprises, and a number of innovation indexes ranked among the national front-runners. Up to now, the cumulative cultivation of national manufacturing single champion enterprises 21, national specialties and new "small giants" 213 enterprises, the city this year, the number of new national "small giants" ranked eighth in the country, the total number of one year to achieve a doubling. At the same time, the city has 647 provincial-level specialties and new small and medium-sized enterprises.
--Promote intelligent transformation and digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.Comprehensive implementation of the provincial and municipal manufacturing industry wisdom to digital turn three-year action plan, the use of a new generation of information technology to transform and enhance the traditional pillar industries, empowering innovative industrial clusters, manufacturing intelligence, networking, digitalization level continued to jump. 1-8 months, the city's implementation of the wisdom to digital turn of more than 1,800 projects, covering the regulation of more than 1,400 industrial enterprises. There are 13 new provincial-level intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories and 11 industrial Internet benchmarking factories. There are 2,510 new 5G base stations, and the number of 5G base stations per 10,000 people remains the first in the province.
--The "Ning Gongpin Push" industry chain supply and demand docking activity.Focusing on the four pillar industries and the "2+6+6" innovative industry clusters, we have carried out the "Ning Gongpin Push" series of supply and demand docking activities for key industry chains, compiled and printed a catalog of supply and demand docking for key industry chains in Nanjing, and helped enterprises seize orders, expand markets and promote production by means of product demonstration and promotion, as well as branding. Through product display and promotion, brand promotion and other means, we help enterprises to seize orders, expand markets and promote production. Over the past three years, we have held more than 60 supply and demand docking sessions for Nanjing's leading enterprises to open up their supply chains and more than 60 supply and demand docking sessions for high-quality steel, establishing a regularized supply chain docking mechanism in which the government sets up a stage and enterprises connect.
--Innovative product promotion and application and application scenario release.Organize and carry out the declaration of Nanjing innovative products in 2023, focusing on the innovative achievements in the field of advanced manufacturing industry, accepting more than 360 applications for products, completing the formal review and credit review, and launching the revision of the "Management Measures for the Evaluation of Nanjing Innovative Products"; deepen the city's application scenario development and construction gradient work system of "1,000 lists, 200 high-quality, and 10 benchmarks". Deepening the "1000 list, 200 high-quality, 10 benchmarks" gradient work system for the development and construction of the city's application scenarios, and coordinating the city's release of more than 800 application scenarios in the first half of the year; focusing on the downstream application market, and focusing on the promotion of industrial promotion in niche fields, field docking in the field of the scenarios, and cross-municipal cooperation to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the precise docking of supply and demand.

New initiatives:

Free Diagnosis of "Intelligent Reform and Digital Conversion" for Regulated Industrial Enterprises

  At the conference, Guo Yuning, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that the next step, the city will continue to optimize the cultivation policy of specialized, special and new enterprises, and strive to stimulate the emergence of more specialized, special and new enterprises. By 2025, the city will cultivate 30 national manufacturing champions, 300 national specialized, special and new "small giants", 1,000 provincial specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises, and 10,000 innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.
At the same time, the in-depth implementation of the wisdom to change the number of three-year action to industry leading backbone enterprises, small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises as the focus, to the main direction of intelligent manufacturing, industrial Internet innovation and application as a focus point for the city's industrial enterprises to organize and implement the wisdom to change the number of free diagnostic services, and to promote the regulation of the industrial enterprises should be diagnosed as much as diagnosis should be turned to turn as much as possible.
  At the beginning of this year, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology focused on the release of the "Ning Gong Pin Push" supply and demand docking series of activities planned for the whole year, plans to hold 15 supply and demand docking activities, so far has been successfully held 13.
  Guo Yuning introduction, the next step will be coordinated to promote the "Ning Gong Pin Push" series of activities carried out in an orderly manner, the organization of smart grids, artificial intelligence and other industrial chain areas such as supply and demand docking activities.
  In addition, it will also complete the evaluation of Nanjing innovative products in 2023, add over 100 assessed innovative products, and dynamically update the Recommended Catalog of Application Demonstration of Innovative Products in Nanjing around five major fields such as the first set of major equipment and the first batch of new materials. At the same time, coordinate the city to complete the release of the list of 1,000 application scenarios, start and complete the selection of high-quality application scenarios and benchmark application scenarios for the year 2023, create the Nanjing high-quality application scenarios publicity week, and accelerate the city's scientific and technological innovations in the market application and industrial innovation ecological agglomeration.
It is reported that the city will also continue to promote the construction of the Nanjing National Pilot Zone for Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application through the release of key AI scenarios and cases, the strengthening of industrial supply and demand docking, and the forward-looking layout of the new generation of AI for future industrial new tracks and other initiatives.

Creating a headquarters economic highland

Highlights: 285 municipal headquarters enterprises have been recognized since 2012.

  Zhang Hui, Deputy Director of the Department of Utilization of Foreign Capital and Overseas Investment of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, introduced that after more than ten years of systematic promotion and unremitting efforts, Nanjing's ability to gather high-end resources has been increasing, and the atmosphere of attracting outstanding enterprises has become increasingly strong.
-- Steady growth in the number of headquartered enterprises.Since 2012, the number of headquartered enterprises in the city has grown steadily, with a total of 285 municipal headquartered enterprises recognized, six of which have been newly recognized since 2019.
--Headquartered enterprises have a higher overall level of competence.Since 2019, a total of 6 Fortune 500, 36 China's top 500, 15 multinational companies, 10 central enterprises, and 104 industry leaders have laid out their headquarters in Ningbo; 120 local enterprises have achieved capacity enhancement and have been authorized by their parent companies to assume headquarters functions.
-Headquartered enterprises continue to gain momentum.In 2022, the average total assets of headquartered enterprises in our city amounted to 16.827 billion yuan, an increase of 4.1%; the average business income of households amounted to 4.85 billion yuan, an increase of 2.9%; the average tax payment of households amounted to about 106 million yuan (an increase of 11.6%), among which there were 36 enterprises paying taxes of more than one hundred million yuan, with the number of enterprises accounting for 12.6%, and the amount of taxes paid (20.44 billion yuan ) accounted for 81.2%.
--The development trend of headquarters clustering has basically taken shape.The layout of the city's headquarters space agglomeration is gradually optimized, the central city with superior location advantages and complete business support become the first choice for headquarters enterprises to settle, Jiangbei New District to play a national new area and the free trade zone "double zone" superimposed advantages, to become the most headquartered enterprises with the plate, gathered 44 headquarters enterprises.

New initiatives:

Promoting the construction of the "3+5" carriers Promote the accelerated agglomeration of headquarters enterprises

  Zhang Hui introduced, this year, the city to promote the construction of industrial strength as a traction, and actively cultivate new industries in the service sector, new business, new models, the headquarters economy established as one of the three emerging service economy. Through the establishment of headquarters enterprise communication service mechanism, the cumulative total of 58 municipal headquarters enterprises to coordinate the resolution of the 119 issues reflected in the matters, while the orderly promotion of the target headquarters enterprise reservoir construction, strengthen the headquarters of investment and headquarters policy publicity and promotion, and so on.

  The next step, the city will focus on the implementation of the development goals of industrial strength, and promote the headquarters economy to improve quality and efficiency.

-Deepening the attraction and cultivation of headquarters enterprises.Around the city's innovative industrial clusters and emerging service industry key areas, focusing on the advanced manufacturing industry chain mapping and investment attraction object list, modern service industry key projects to promote the list, and vigorously attract domestic and foreign head corporate headquarters.
-Improve the communication and service mechanism for headquartered enterprises.Strengthening the tracking service for headquarters enterprises, promoting large enterprises to drive group members to settle in Nanjing, and prying incremental resources from stock resources to gather in Nanjing.
-Increase the promotion of headquarters investment.Strengthen the headquarters economy publicity, urban areas jointly organized headquarters economy investment promotion activities.
-Continuously promote the construction of headquarters carriers.Accelerate the three headquarters economy cluster (Jiangbei New District, Hexi New City, Southern New City) and five headquarters economy key parks (Xuanwu Tiebei, Gulou Riverside, Qixia Yanziji, Yuhua Software Valley South Park, Jiangning Baike Lake Jiulong Lake) "3 + 5" carrier construction, to promote the headquarters to accelerate the agglomeration of enterprises.

Strengthening scientific and technological innovation to lead and drive

Highlights: building innovation clusters for synergistic development The total number of high enterprises in the city reached 9,068

  Municipal Science and Technology Bureau Deputy Director Zhu Chaoping introduced this year, the city's science and technology system to promote education, science and technology, talent, "Trinity" development, accelerate the construction of industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence in the main carrying area, and strive to achieve a high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance on the first to achieve new breakthroughs to support and lead the construction of industrial power city.

  Taking major innovation platforms as carriers, it promotes high-concentration agglomeration of industrial innovation resources. Constructing the national laboratory system, Zijinshan Laboratory has been included in the sequence of national laboratory base construction, 31 national key laboratories have been constructed and comprehensively reorganized in Ningbo, 2 national technological innovation centers have been approved, and there is 1 national major scientific and technological infrastructure; constructing major scientific and technological infrastructure clusters, and supporting the future network experimental facilities to undertake the national strategic task of "East counts, West counts". The National Science and Technology Infrastructure Cluster has been built to support the Future Network Test Facility to undertake the national strategic task of "East Digital West Computing", and to promote the pre-research and construction of seven major facilities, such as the Information High Speed Railway Comprehensive Test Facility, the Supply Chain Facility for Open Source Software, and the Atomic Limit Microfabrication Test Facility. National Integrated Circuit Design Automation Technology Innovation Center was officially inaugurated. The level of silicon carbide high-voltage power electronic devices developed and produced by the National Innovation Center for Third Generation Semiconductor Technology (Nanjing) reached the international advanced level.

  Take science and technology-based enterprises as the main body, and promote the close integration of science and technology innovation and modern industry. To build a synergistic innovation cluster with innovative leading enterprises as the leader, high-tech enterprises as the backbone, and science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises as the foundation, the city's total number of high-enterprises reached 9,068, and the cumulative number of the first six batches of the National Science and Technology Small in 2023 totaled 19,572, with a year-on-year growth rate of 16.7%, accounting for the number of the province's enterprises in the library 27.2%. To promote the quality and quantity of science and technology innovation carriers, and to build a layout of The whole chain of incubation and nurturing system, including "crowdspring space-incubator-accelerator-industrial park", has accumulated 236 science and technology business incubators, 413 crowdspring spaces for the record, and more than 11,000 incubatees; the city's national science and technology business incubators have been ranked the first in terms of the number of excellent performance evaluations for the third consecutive year in the country. Accelerating the quality and efficiency of new research institutes, 401 municipal new research institutes are mainly concentrated in the fields of strategic emerging industries, among which the number of institutes in the fields of software and information services, biomedicine, and high-end intelligent equipment ranked the top three, accounting for 18%, 17.7%, and 14.5% respectively; the cumulative total of 7,209 incubated and introduced enterprises, and the cumulative total business revenue of municipal institutes and their incubated and introduced enterprises is 154 billion yuan, with R&D investment exceeding 12.0 billion yuan, and the total investment in R&D exceeding 12.0 billion yuan. 154 billion yuan, R&D investment of over 12 billion yuan, application for 17,932 pieces of intellectual property rights, cumulative authorization of 5,972 pieces.

  Taking one high-tech zone and multiple parks as the position, accelerating the high-tech industry capacity to leap up. Promote "2+6+6" innovative industries in the high-tech zone agglomeration, the city's 15 high-tech parks in the cultivation of innovative industries, has formed a park-led, industry chain synergistic and multi-park competition and other layout modes, the dominant industry accounted for the size of the parks more than 60%. In the first half of this year, the business income of "2+6+6" innovative industries in Nanjing High-tech Zone increased by more than 10% year-on-year, the overall growth rate of the six future industries was about 30%, the value-added of industry above scale increased by 6% year-on-year, and the investment in high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 12.4% year-on-year. High-tech industry flourished, in the first half of the year, the city's high-tech industry output value of 1.58 trillion yuan. The high-tech industry in the regulated manufacturing industry realized an output value of 766.560 billion yuan, accounting for 55.1% of the total industrial output value above the city's scale; the regulated high-tech service industry realized an operating income of 175.017 billion yuan. Promote the high-quality development of the biomedical industry, as the city's new medicine and life and health industry chain special class unit, the first half of the year to promote the realization of the biomedical industry scale of about 108.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.7%, gathering 908 enterprises, including 17 listed companies, national specialties and specialties of the new "small giants" enterprise 19 enterprises. Jiangbei Biomedical Valley, Jiangning High-tech Zone, Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone and other three parks are located in China's biomedical industrial park development competitiveness of the top 30.

  Aiming at a first-class innovation ecology, we will create a development environment that spawns industrial innovation clusters. Deepening the reform of the science and technology system, exploring the establishment of a "decentralized and unbundled" special zone for talent research, establishing a "green channel" for the introduction of high-level talents and special-needs talents, and forming an innovation consortium, which is now accelerating the development of the implementation plan for the reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation in Nanjing. Promoting science and technology financial empowerment, as of the end of August, the Science and Technology Innovation Fund has cooperated to set up 48 sub-funds, signing a fund size of RMB 9.471 billion, with a financial amplification multiple of 3.26 times. The parent and sub-funds of the Fund have invested in over 580 projects with an investment amount of over RMB 5.2 billion, and the banks cooperating with the "Ningke Loan" have issued 14,401 loans to science and technology-based enterprises in the year, amounting to RMB 35.447 billion. Focusing on open cooperation and innovation, we have implemented the Yangtze River Delta (Nanjing Metropolitan Area) Science and Technology Cooperation Program, held the Nanjing Metropolitan Area Innovation Cooperation Conference, and released the "Metropolitan Area Science and Technology Innovation Ecological Atlas" and the "List of Enterprises' Technological Needs", so that the high-level regional cooperation in science and technology innovation has continued to expand. The high-level regional cooperation in science and technology innovation has been expanding, and a number of overseas collaborative innovation centers have been set up in 22 innovative countries (regions); 38 overseas R&D institutions have been set up by enterprises in our city, and 57 high-end R&D institutions have been set up by renowned domestic and foreign enterprises and R&D institutions in our city.
