
Foreign businessmen, not outsiders

When the people are united, business will prosper.

Nanjing has always been a gathering place for foreign businessmen. Especially since the reform and opening up, Zhejiang merchants, Fujian merchants and Anhui merchants in Nanjing have become an important economic force. The first foreign chambers of commerce in Nanjing were established in the 1990s, and were set up in the form of economic promotion associations, such as Wenzhou Economic Promotion Association, Ningbo Economic Promotion Association, and Min Overseas Chinese Economic Promotion Association.

Many foreign businessmen in Ningbo started as small and micro-operators, active in traditional industries such as catering, electronics, wholesale and retail. After digging the first bucket of gold, found that each fighting, fighting alone is difficult to grow stronger, some have the strength of the enterprise led the formation of the regional Chamber of Commerce. Old folks group development, mutual help, in information, capital, talent and other resource elements gathered on the more advantageous, the formation of the industry scale effect, the traditional industries in Nanjing sang the main role.

The same is the original small and medium-sized enterprises, but the implementation of the group entrepreneurship mode, enterprises can add new energy, to achieve a new leap in quality. For example, the Nanjing Anqing Chamber of Commerce enterprises concentrated in the construction and catering industry, through the big help small, the same industry will be the way, last year, member enterprises generally increase efficiency by more than 10%, driving employment of more than 40,000 people, pay taxes of more than 1.1 billion yuan.

Together with the advice, side by side to break through the barrier, tasted the sweetness of mutual help, naturally from the "peers are enemies" habit, into a "peer good partners" to fight the team.

Growing with Nanjing

At present, there are more than 100 foreign chambers of commerce in the city, accounting for about 80% of the total number of municipal chambers of commerce, with more than 16,000 member enterprises. Enterprises of foreign chambers of commerce in Nanjing are actively integrating into Nanjing and building Nanjing, and are gradually deriving a lot of new industries, new business forms and new modes from traditional industries, making new contributions to the economic and social development of Nanjing.

In recent years, the Chamber of Commerce enterprises give full play to the gathering of industry-led advantages for the formation of support for the new service package for the new city. Some Chamber of Commerce enterprises take the initiative to introduce resource elements to participate in the construction of commercial complexes, science and technology parks, such as the Nanjing Chamber of Commerce of Zhejiang enterprises invested in the construction of Yiwu Small Commodity City, Wenzhou Commercial Street, Zheshang Science and Technology Building, etc., Nanjing Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce enterprises invested in the cooperation of the South University of Engineering Science and Technology Park, the Grandview Mall and other projects, a strong impetus to the new district function to expand, upgrading and upgrading.

In addition, the Ningxia Chamber of Commerce is rooted in Nanjing at one end and has the advantage of being familiar with both ends of the world at the other end. Through the "threading" "family" of the joint, to help the two chambers of commerce between the two places, between the two members of the realization of resource sharing and information interoperability, regional cooperation and exchanges in Nanjing set up a good platform, so that more of the different places, the different will be members of the enterprise warmth, common development.

Over the past 10 years, they are actively involved in major economic and trade activities such as the Nanjing Golden Fair, to help organize the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Yangtze River Delta integration, Nanjing Metropolitan Area and other regional cooperation and exchange of activities to help the board of Nanjing, the park organized more than 400 special investment activities, to create a "government to find the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce to find enterprises" regional cooperation link model. Chuzhou Chamber of Commerce in Nanjing, for example, they built the economic bridge of cooperation between Ning Chu, nearly five years for the two places to facilitate more than 38 billion yuan of cooperation projects; Maanshan Chamber of Commerce in Nanjing set up a special investment company to build information and data platforms for effective docking of enterprise resources in the two places, has carried out more than a hundred times of investment docking activities.


From the development history, the Chamber of Commerce in Ningxia enterprises in the past concentrated in some traditional industries, small and medium-sized micro-enterprises in the majority. Now, with a number of wild goose enterprises to join the traditional Chamber of Commerce enterprises are being revitalized, specifically manifested as "four more".

There are more and more enterprises of the Chamber of Commerce involved in emerging industries. Chamber of Commerce enterprises from the traditional manufacturing, trade and other fields, and gradually to the strategic emerging industries and productive service industry extension, such as Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Nanjing involved in innovative industries accounted for the proportion of enterprises has increased from less than 5% five years ago to 30%; national speciality speciality new enterprises in Anhui alliance mold industry company set up subsidiaries in Nanjing, and in Lishui to establish a precision mold casting processing base.

There are more and more chain master enterprises and leading enterprises in the Chamber. Nanjing Danyang Chamber of Commerce president enterprise Nangang Group, Shanxi Chamber of Commerce president enterprise Chengmai technology, Fujian Chamber of Commerce president enterprise new Lihua and other large enterprises, play a driving effect, overall enhance the Chamber of Commerce enterprise scale and strength. Relying on the president of the enterprise, leading enterprises, many chambers of commerce and financial institutions to strengthen cooperation, and some also specialize in the establishment of investment guarantee companies for member enterprises to solve financing problems, Zheshang Bank, Micro Business Bank in Ningbo, foreign chambers of commerce enterprises credit limit of more than 50 billion yuan.

The number of party members in the Chamber of Commerce enterprises is increasing. The chamber pays more and more attention to the party building empowerment, for example, Nanjing Jinhua Chamber of Commerce to create "red collar wu business" party building brand, as early as in 2012 to set up the party organization, the chamber party members from more than 10 to 138, promote the regulation of member enterprises from more than 20 to more than 100 growth. They actively respond to the municipal party committee and municipal government "ten thousand enterprises link ten thousand villages" to help rural revitalization of the call, and Gaochun district Yangjiang township government carried out a number of visits and exchanges and agricultural and sideline products production and marketing docking activities to help.

The new generation is also growing, and Nanjing is becoming a hot spot for young entrepreneurs to innovate and start businesses. The majority of enterprises in Ningxia foreign chambers of commerce in Nanjing entrepreneurial roots, Nanjing as a second hometown, a lot of understanding of industry, understanding of investment, understanding of technology, young talent also choose to Nanjing innovation and entrepreneurship. Nanjing Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce specializes in the establishment of the new generation of the Federation, to create in Ningbo Wenzhou young talent innovation and entrepreneurship services first station, has absorbed more than 100 young members of entrepreneurs, for the communication and exchange of young people between Nanjing and Wenzhou, set up a bridge of youth.
