
Shimonoseki, you're a classmate with a story.

Nanjing has 95 streets and 6 towns in the city. Follow Boo into the streets and towns of Nanjing to learn about their stories!

Someone said:

"Every piece of Nanking's history.

All have a section of the old lower level."

This is an important place for the rise and fall of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

This is the "beginning" and "end" of modern Chinese history.

Here, too, is an important witness to the development of a new era

With the river at our backs.

Murmuring the names of old places

As far as the eye can see, this place is full of stories

at the present

Follow Boo into the

--Shimonoseki Street

Old Shimonoseki was known as Longjiang Pass, also known as Longwan, bordering on the river and depending on the city, known as "the northern gate of Jinling". At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, in order to facilitate transportation, Longjiang Pass was set up to collect taxes from ships. Since Longjiang Pass was located at the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, it was later called "Lower Pass".

In 2013, the former Xiaguan and Gulou districts merged to form the new Gulou District; in 2017, the Nanjing Municipal Government changed the name of "Yijianglou Street" to "Xiaguan Street", thus continuing the "Xiaguan In 2017, the Nanjing municipal government changed the name of the street from "Yijianglou Street" to "Xiaguan Street", which is a continuation of "Xiaguan"'s rich historical lineage.

Long-standing cultural lineage, engraved with ancient memories

Shimonoseki Street carries the memory of the old city, within the jurisdiction of the 3 kilometers of prime Yangtze River shoreline and the Read River Tower, Lion Hill, Ming City Wall, moat, Hydrangea Park and so on constitutes a "mountain, water, city, forest, river," a beautiful picture of the blending of the whole, strolling in the midst of it, step by step, all the history.


Yifengmen was built in the early years of the Hongwu Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, and its name means "a phoenix coming to the city". It was originally an important passageway from the northern part of the city of Nanjing to the bank of the Yangtze River.

Famous writer Ye Zhaoyan's long novel "Yifeng's Gate", with Yifeng Gate as a round point dispersed away, will be the modern history of Nanjing fusion in Yang Kui and other protagonists as the head of the fate of the life of the floating in the intermixed geography of the Shimonoseki area, humanities, social development, and other subtle urban veins ......

Reading River Tower in Suzhou, Jiangsu

Mountain for the platform, the building to cover the head of the mountain, the name is read the river building - 1374 AD, the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang unified the country, 7 years after the founding of the emperor, ordered the construction of the read the river building in the lion mountain, after the writing of the record, leveling the main stone (hit the foundation), due to the huge cost of stopping the construction.

A river runs to the sea for thousands of miles, two records call the building for six hundred years - in 1997, the Nanjing Municipal People's Government formally approved the construction of the river reading building, and completed in September 2001, from then on the end of the six hundred years of "record no building" history. Ascending the building, the river and the sea are vast, the atmosphere is extraordinary, the ancient and modern one.

Nanjing Treaty Historical Materials Exhibition Hall (Jinghai Temple)

Shimonoseki was the center of shipbuilding, shipping and commerce in the Ming Dynasty.Jinghai Temple was originally a royal temple built by Zhu Di, Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, as a commendation of the merits of Zheng He's voyages to the West, and the name of the temple was taken to mean "calmness of the four seas and peace of the world", with a forest of halls and a magnificent atmosphere, which is called "the crown of the legal temples of the Golden Temple" and "the most of the eight major temples of the Golden Temple". It is known as "the crown of Jinling Ruling Temple" and "the most important of the eight temples in Jinling".

In 1842, Jinghai Temple became the negotiating site of the first unequal treaty in Chinese history, the Sino-British Treaty of Nanjing, which was the beginning of modern Chinese history.In 2023, the upgraded Nanjing Treaty Museum (Jinghai Temple) reopened to the public, and a piece of cultural relics sounded a warning bell, reminding us that "we should not forget the past and learn from the future".

Tiffin Palace

Han made the river source false weaver, Jun got Tianfei under the divine language - Tianfei Palace and Jinghai Temple adjacent to the Chinese Maritime Silk Road as well as the important historical relics of Zheng He's journey to the West Ocean.During the reign of Ming Yongle, Zheng He returned safely from his first trip to the West, and Zhu Di built it to commend the achievements of Tianfei Niangmazu, the goddess of heaven, for her protection of Zheng He's team.

Tianfei Palace was damaged during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement and the War of Resistance against Japan, and was renovated and reopened in 2004 to commemorate the 600th anniversary of Zheng He's voyage to the West.

Jiangnan navy school (Jiangsu province)

Jiangnan Sailor Academy was built in the Qing Dynasty in the Guangxu period, is the Qing government in the foreign affairs movement in the opening of the military school, but also the cradle of China's naval talentIt became the former site of the Ministry of Navy of the National Government. Mr. Lu Xun used to study here and called himself "the scholar of military horses".
