
Xinjiekou, you can always be new

When Nanjing is mentioned, Xinjiekou must be mentioned. It seems that the development of Nanjing's business has been nailed down by Xinjiekou for many years. The structure of this traditional core CBD is usually seen as less prone to radical change.
○However, I have noticed that around the Minerva Gallery, which I frequent, some more significant changes are taking place lately.
○Opening the map, it turns out that the southwest quadrant of Xinjiekou does have a lot of noteworthy movements in recent years, gradually revealing some interesting clues, it is time to update the impression of Nanjing's business.01

A new atmosphere is taking shape on Nantai Lane.
As a nationally recognized commercial center, Xinjiekou has a long history of development. In the past, when we talked about Xinjiekou, our attention was mostly focused on the shopping centers with considerable volume and different themes, but the name Xinjiekou alone indicates its origin.
○It is said that the name Xinjiekou appeared during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, initially as a street between the Sugar Square Bridge and Mingwalang.Neighborhoods, by nature, are the underbelly of New Street.
○And in the southwest quadrant of Xinjiekou, Shigu Road, Wangfujing Street, Nantai Lane, Rich Road and many other alleys together form a very vibrant pan-Nantai Lane area, compared to the horizontal and vertical of Zhongshan East Road and Zhongshan Road.The crisscrossing, winding and twisting small streets and alleys may better represent the original face of Xinjiekou.
Based on this attribute, it is easy to understand why Alimentari Grande chose to locate its first store in Nanjing on Shigu Road, after all, the word Alimentari means "Italian street grocery store". After all, the word "Alimentari" means "Italian street grocery store". The first Nanjing branch of the nationally popular Chingtan Fried Chicken has also attracted food lovers from all over the city to visit the restaurant.
○In addition to the first store in succession, Shiku Road also has a collection of treasure stores such as the net-renowned bakery SPONGE Sponge Kitchen and the American restaurant ROOMMATE, which has been selected for the must-eat list.It has gradually converted from the traditional collection of street side stores in the public's impression into a new popular food collection and lifestyle carding place, and has become a must-see route in Nanjing Citywalk.

○At the intersection of Shi Gu Road and Wang Fu Avenue, just a few steps away, you will reach the store of The Sauce, the cocktail specialty ceiling in the hearts of many drinkers. Coming to ZHENG'S CLOTHES SHOP, a step away, is like traveling to an American movie of the last century.

○Walking east from Wangfu Street, Bar be cute on Nantai Lane, with its individual naming, in-store vinyl and clarified wine, is unique in Nanjing, and Lè CHAOS and Pencil Coffee, with their cozy and unassuming ambience and creative food pairings, have become the first choice of Bistro in the neighborhood. ○Continuing east to Fengyu Road, White Pigeon Antique Camera Store and 43rd Sunset Café are located here, and the three-story Erjiao Store has become a representative of the area's sense of life.

02Lifestyle and Innovation for a New Generation
○There are so many treasure stores that it is difficult to name them one by one, but it is not difficult to feel the vitality and vigor of the business on Nantai Lane.This spontaneous emergence of vitality and vigor essentially comes from a deep insight into Nanjing's urban consumption and precise judgment of future business trends.
As the commercial center of Nanjing, Xinjiekou is, to some extent, the condensation of Nanjing's entire city consumption.At a time when the younger generation is rising and has more power of speech, the desire for a freer and looser consumption scenario, and the spiritual need to express oneself and look for the same kind of people have gradually become the new mainstream.
○The open space and free business hours of the neighborhood undoubtedly give brands more space to display their personality and give free play to their needs, and the complementary demand between them and shopping centers also directly contributes to the sharing of customer flow and staggered consumption between them, realizing a one-two punch with master brands and emerging brands.
Compared with the chain brands in shopping centers, the brand managers in Nantai Lane are generally younger and have international vision or professional precipitation.It chooses to create a self-contained corner in the midst of the city center's bustle, and completes the newborn combination of commercial center + Netflix marketplace, which is unique to Nanjing, by fully expressing its personality and displaying its products.
Fresh flesh and blood of the new era has grown out of the strata of history. Since then, Xinjiekou is not only about buying, but also about lifestyle and new-generation innovations that deserve to be reacquainted with you.

03High-quality shopping centers + small specialty streets○The commercial development trend presented by Xinjiekou, i.e. the organic combination of high-quality shopping centers and small characteristic streets, is being staged in downtown Shanghai.
character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English)In recent years, specialty streets such as "Jufu Chang" have risen rapidly to become Shanghai's unique and popular commercial destinations with their downtown yet quiet atmosphere, and their media buzz and rental performance have reached or even exceeded the average of shopping centers in the core area.
○On the brand side, they have become the first choice for many fashion and western brands to set up in Shanghai, and many first stores of trendy brands are located here.
○On the consumer side, they are not only a gathering place for local hipsters, but also gradually becoming a new tourist landmark in Shanghai and a new destination for tourists to visit.
Stable local clientele and a large number of tourists have made the commercial vitality of "Jufujiang" invincible, and it has become a representative of the counter-trend growth in recent years.
○Back to Xinjiekou, as early as two years ago, the Nantai Lane area has spontaneously grown a number of coffee, pubs, buyer stores and other master stores, but in the absence of unified planning in the background, the individual brands go their own way, it is obviously difficult to achieve the overall upgrade of regional influence.
character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English)In this new stage of development, it is not only necessary for the operator to have an international vision and urban pattern, to be able to effectively explore the regional value, to organically connect the commercial bodies in the business district, and to reasonably coordinate the relationship between all parties; it is also necessary for him to have solid experience in operation and execution, to be able to steadily realize the beautiful blueprint, to make the box business shine, and to revitalize the neighborhoods and alleys.

04Fast-changing New Street is still kingAt the beginning of the year, a number of old shopping malls in Xinjiekou quietly changed their outfits and reorganized their internal spaces to create immersive new consumer scenes.
○ Recently, the "Jinling Central" mixed-use development and construction project is nearing full completion, with the proposed construction of a sky corridor in the east and west commercial districts, which is approximately 84 meters long.
○Hongkong Land has also joined hands with Qinhuai District One City Group to promote the architectural style and landscape enhancement of the entire area, creating a pedestrian scale and environmental ambience that is more suitable for strolling and staying.
character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English)It is conceivable that the urban ecology of Xinjiekou will be further expanded, not only will it become the first choice for high-end purposeful consumption in the city, but it will also allow everyone to find social pleasure in the intervals between life and work, and provide outlets that can carry emotions that have nowhere to rest.
○After the scale of the whole business district is opened up, the prosperity of this business district can be shared, and new business opportunities can be ushered in together, which is exactly the new look that Xinjiekou needs.
○In the future, the commercial atmosphere will also be extended southward along Rich Road, creating a fusion with the Xinanli area, promoting the guidance of tourist traffic from Fuzimiao and Xinanli to the Xinjiekou business circle, and further expanding the commercial potential of Xinjiekou.
○It is easy to see that as the core CBD sector in Nanjing with the deepest commercial roots, the largest area of retail properties and the highest concentration of brands, Xinjiekou's development trajectory is drawing closer to that of Shanghai and other super first-tier cities.
character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English)While the composition of passenger flow continues to be enriched, different segments present clearly differentiated positioning, and the ecological diversity of the shopping district is being improved, providing a new consumer atmosphere and experience in the city center.
○What can be predicted about the future of the new neighborhood may be limited, but there is no doubt that theThe iterating New Street is still king, and the changes in its southwest quadrant have the chance to be a key change for it to go further.
○This is a future to look forward to.
