
Xu Kunlin Investigates in Nanjing Jiangbei New District

April 17, governor Xu Kunlin in Nanjing Jiangbei New District research. He emphasized that we should deeply implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions for the work of Jiangsu, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, and firmly fulfill the mission of the positioning of the new state-level district, accelerate the enhancement of innovation source capacity, industrial agglomeration capacity, city driving capacity, openness and convergence capacity, and the province's construction of the industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence, to build the development of a new quality of the productive forces of the important position! In the province to build a globally influential industrial science and technology innovation center, to create an important position for the development of new quality productive forces, to bear the burden of responsibility, and to show the responsibility of "walking in the front, doing demonstration".

Nanjing Jiangbei New Area is accelerating to create an integrated circuit industry landmark. Xu Kunlin came to the core line of the discipline technology company, listen to the technical innovation, market applications and other information. In understanding the enterprise independent research and development of the EDA platform can greatly improve the efficiency of chip design, Xu Kunlin is very pleased. He said that the integrated circuit industry is the key force leading the new round of technological revolution and industrial change, the development of a broad space, I hope to continue to be confident, make persistent efforts, aiming at the industrial frontier "question", gathering innovative resources "answer", more efforts to promote the production, learning and research Deep integration, around artificial intelligence, intelligent cars, cloud computing and other fields to carry out independent innovation, integrated innovation, continuous innovation, better for the growth of emerging industries, cultivate future industries to build momentum and empowerment. Xu Kunlin stressed that Jiangbei New Area to further optimize the business environment, industrial ecology, to provide better talent support services, so that enterprises are willing to come, stay and develop well, to attract more industrial level, volume and scale, drive the ability of the project agglomeration, so that the integrated circuit industry has become a strong engine for the development of new quality productivity.

Research, Xu Kunlin hosted a symposium to listen to the development of Nanjing Jiangbei New Area report, to study the support of high-quality development policies and measures. He said, Nanjing Jiangbei New Area as a national new area, in the province and even the national development of the overall situation has an important role to play, undertake an important mission. Stronger bear positioning of the new area development, further deepen the connotation of "three areas and a platform", give full play to the advantages of major national strategies superimposed on the integration of the province's development of the layout of the province to create a new growth pole and lead the development of new quality productivity important carrier. We should be more determined to cultivate development strength, lead the construction of modernized industrial system by scientific and technological innovation, build up the base of industrial system by transforming and upgrading the traditional industries, enhance the new kinetic energy for future development by cultivating and growing the emerging industries, and continue to grow the advantages of industrial competitiveness. It is necessary to promote systematic opening up at a deeper level, comprehensively buttress the international high-standard economic and trade rules, build the Nanjing section of the Pilot Free Trade Zone at a high level, deeply integrate into the construction of the "Belt and Road" intersection, and accelerate the creation of an important platform for opening up and cooperation with the Yangtze River Economic Belt. To deepen reform more vigorously, give full play to the role of the reform test bed, take the lead in exploring and promoting the elemental market-oriented reforms in line with the development needs, build a high-standard market system, and actively create a first-class business environment. More practical measures should be taken to safeguard and improve people's livelihoods, promote fuller employment, provide better services, promote more efficient governance, realize safer development, and create a high quality of life for the people in high-quality development. To improve the working mechanism, strengthen policy support, strengthen the elements of protection, provincial and municipal coordination, up and down linkage, joint efforts to promote the high-quality development of Jiangbei New Area.

Chen Zhichang, mayor of Nanjing, and Lv Deming, secretary-general of the provincial government, attended.
