
Xuanwu District: A look at the old city's "Plan X"

not long ago

Jointly issued by the National Data Agency and 17 other departments

Three-year action plan on "Data Elements x"


A new industry blue ocean is about to open

At the beginning of the new spring, Xuanwu District, namely, in the "data elements of industrial innovation and development action program (2024-2026)" proposed that by 2026, the development of data elements of industry to achieve significant results.It has become a province-leading and nationally influential "data factor industry leading area, data cross-border circulation pioneer area, global digital business enterprise gathering area, data scene application demonstration area".

Entering the new data element track

What is the bottom line of this old city of Nanjing?

Xuzhuang Hi-tech Zone has become a piece of high ground for the main city to develop software information. Photo source: Xuanwu release
Locking down the data element card

This decision is inseparable from the background of the district's years of deep plowing in the software information industry. Among them, the software information industry "home" Xuzhuang High-tech Zone has become an important local development carrier.

McDonald's industrial layout in Xuanwu District, can also be seen in the local data elements of the industry with the times. McDonald's and Xuanwu District ties in 1995, when Nanjing Golden Arches Foods Co. By 2020, the golden arches (China) Co., Ltd. in Xuzhuang Hi-tech Zone layout of Nanjing science and technology research and development center. At the beginning of this year, the golden arches of digital science and technology again settled in Xuzhuang High-tech Zone.

Focus on Intelligent Reform, Digital to Network Connection

Layout of digital technology projects

It has become the hot spot of the industry nowadays

This is true for foreign companies, but also for centralized companies

In August last year, China Machinery Industry Group Corporation to create a secondary wholly-owned subsidiary of the State Mechanical Digital Science, to force the "Agricultural Machinery Cloud" "mechanical equipment industry cloud" two industry public cloud platform construction, a good industrial foundation of the Xuanwu District to become the bearer of the project.

The relevant person in charge of the government of Xuanwu District introduced that with the introduction of the state ""Data Elements x" Three-Year Action Plan (2024-2026)", coupled with the data elements of the industry's low occupancy of resources, high dependence on innovation and strong pulling force on the economy, and the attributes of the old urban areas are highly adaptable.The district thus regards the data element industry as the "difference card" for the industrial advancement of the old city.Government guidance, actions speak louder than words

Xuanwu District encourages the construction of new technology infrastructure represented by cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other new technologies and arithmetic infrastructure represented by intelligent computing centers, which will be given a financial support of 10 million yuan; and a one-time award of 1 million yuan will be given to the data element industry enterprises that enter the top 100 software and top 100 Internet companies in the country for the first time.
Ambition to build a "port" in the main city

Targeting future industrial growth

Xuanwu District is now making the relevant supporting facilities.

Building Jiangsu International Data Port

It's about making up for shortcomings and forging strengths locally.

One of the key initiatives to enhance the attractiveness of the region

In 2023, Xuanwu Hi-Tech Group cooperated with Shanghai Cross-border Digital Technology, kicking off the prelude of building a "port" in the main city. Build Jiangsu international data port, in order to solve the data supply quality is not high, the circulation mechanism is not smooth, the application potential release is not enough problems. Jiangsu has gathered a large number of headquartered enterprises, platform enterprises, massive data processing needs, and a large number of industrial application scenarios need to be built. Against the background of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the two sides have cooperated to build the Jiangsu International Data Port.It will focus on the three construction dimensions of infrastructure, compliance system, and industrial ecology to help the international and domestic double cycle of data elements, empower the real economy, and develop new quality productivity.

The landing of Jiangsu International Data Port soon attracted the attention of head enterprises in multiple fields. Sumida, a leading foreign trade company, has built a laboratory with Jiangsu Data Port, aiming to solve the basic technical problems such as line speedup and unstable exchange during cross-border data backhaul. Nangang Group took the initiative to develop a carbon footprint collection system covering the whole chain from raw material procurement to export trade. ......

For the data elements industry to provide strong support, Xuanwu District in the development blueprint also outlined the establishment of Jiangsu (Nanjing) data exchange goals. Scene data scattered in all walks of life, the future is expected to realize the "price tag" type of standardized transactions here.
