
A signing, targeting two "hundreds of billions"

Nanrui Group will sprint

Aiming for "100 billion" in revenue by 2030

At the same time to promote the Jiangning Development Zone

Nanrui industrial ecosystem with output value of "100 billion" built

August 16, Nanjing Jiangning Development Zone and the State Grid Nanrui Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as Nanrui Group) held a "new quality of productivity, to create a 'double hundred billion' industry," the cooperation conference, the full depth of industrial cooperation curtain.


"Chain Master" Leader

Building "peaks" on "plateaus"

Last year, the city of Nanjing issued "to promote industrial action plan", the establishment of Nanjing City, the new power industry task force, Jiangning Development Zone in the city under the guidance of the task force, play the role of the "main force" to accelerate to the new breakthroughs.

At present, Jiangning Development Zone gathered 265 new power enterprises, including 15 listed companies, two ten billion enterprises.The enterprises in the park have mastered the technical standards of the national automated relay protection 90% and above.Forming an industry cluster covering nine major segments: generation, transmission, transformation, distribution, utilization, dispatching, information and communication, integrated energy services, and power network security.It is the segment that gathers the most total number of smart grid companies and listed companies among the same level of regions in China.

Building "peaks" on industrial "plateaus"

Jiangning Development Zone focuses its sights on

A leading company in the new power industry chain

Nanrui Group

On the day of the event, Nanrui Group and Jiangning Development Zone "two-way run to", signed a "double hundred billion" cooperation agreement, the two sides will deepen the whole industry chain, innovation chain, service chain cooperation.

  • Promoting the development goal of Nanrui Group to realize "100 billion" revenue by 2030.Become a world-class high-tech leader in energy internet; promoting the Jiangning Development Zone to build a 100 billion Nanrui industrial ecosystem.Building strategic emerging industry clusters with international competitivenessThe

At the same time, Jiangning Development Zone, Nanrui Power Grid Company, Nanrui Hydropower Company, Nanrui Power Company and Southeast University, Hohai University, Nanjing University of Engineering signed a "school, land and enterprise" cooperation agreement, Nanrui Group signed a cooperation agreement with ecological partners.

Currently.All the 16 UHV DC transmission projects in China and the protection projects of 6 major sub-district grid systems of the State Grid Corporation have adopted the stable control system developed by Nanrui Group, and the dispatching control system developed by Nanrui is being used by all the dispatching organizations above 80%.Guodian Nanrui's 2023 annual financial report shows that the company realized operating income of 51.573 billion yuan last year.
