
One form, sold for $10,000, three questions

In time for this year's flood season, on June 6, the director of the Risk Reduction Center of PICC's Nanjing branch, Daylight, purchased a government data product - water spatial data of the main urban area of the provincial capital city (Gulou, Nanjing) - for 10,000 yuan on the platform of the Nanjing Public Resource Transaction Center. "Armed with this data, we have a direction when we carry out water damage compensation product design and promotion." He said.

This is Nanjing's first completed on-site registration on the shelf of the government data authorization operation products, to achieve the Nanjing government data elements on-site registration "from 0 to 1" breakthrough.

How is government data traded?

how to realize its social value.

While bringing in some revenue?

How to ensure the security of personal information.

Further unleashing the data dividend?


How Government Data Becomes a Product

The government data product, a table containing 1,593 entries and only a few hundred kilobytes, records information on all complaints related to the accumulation of flooding in neighborhoods and municipal roads in the 12345 government hotline of Gulou District, Nanjing, during the period of 2019-2021.

The Drummond Data Bureau is the original data provider for this product. "Water damage compensation products directly to the public, and the public complaints most intuitively reflect the annual accumulation of flooding, for the insurance company has the greatest reference value." The relevant person in charge said.

It is not difficult to batch export raw data after filtering categories. But from the huge redundant raw data upgraded to data products, processing is a necessary link. The relevant person in charge of Gulou Hi-Tech Group, a state-owned enterprise commissioned by the Bureau to process the data, said that the raw data just obtained is a table with many entries and miscellaneous information, especially the record of the content of the call is too colloquial and lacks logic."Removing invalid entries, summarizing valid entries, and organizing and summarizing textual content are the first 'cleansing' hurdles the data has to face."

"Desensitization", the deformation of sensitive information, is another key link in the processing and is used to protect the privacy of citizens in government data. The raw data contains the names (surnames) and phone numbers of complaining citizens, and in some cases even their home addresses are specific to their house numbers, which are the key information to be deleted.The "desensitized" data only retains key information such as time, location, flooding period, degree of flooding, etc., in which the description of the location is only accurate to the name of the district, and the degree of flooding is uniformly expressed in terms of "light, medium and heavy".

Such a product is enough to help the buyer. Recently, during the day and colleagues around these data, the production of Gulou District flooding map, which neighborhoods and road sections are prone to flooding, the degree of flooding, will be presented on the map, at a glance.

He said that the comprehensiveness and precision of government data is difficult for enterprises to achieve by simply doing market research, and the guidance on risk identification, customer selection and product pricing is most prominent. In the past, companies could only make a rough portrait by accessing claims records for the areas where existing business was generated, but they often couldn't find a clue when it came to expanding new customers. "With this data set, we can also install IoT monitoring equipment and develop disaster relief plans in a more targeted manner." He admits that how much value this data product can actually bring will be tested after the flood season is over.

"After removing the cost of desensitization, the cost of compliance review, the developer's hourly rate and the amount of taxes paid, the net gain on the entire product is about $3,000." According to the report.They plan to use the relevant proceeds for the construction of a data elements industrial park to gather a group of data service providers in a targeted manner, with a view to generating greater social value.

How data products are traded

Like commodities in the store, data products need to "enter" and shelves. Nanjing public resources trading platform data trading platform plate is the "shelf", and before the shelf, data products have to go through a final review.

Nanjing Public Resources Transaction Center relevant person in charge revealed that there is a list of elements for data transaction compliance review.It mainly includes four aspects, including subject compliance requirements, data security management and technical protection capabilities, data source lawfulness requirements, and tradability of data products.It is usually reviewed by third-party professional services such as accounting firms and law firms.

The review focuses on data authorization operation and entrusted processing agreements, data product processing process description, and product samples are subject to sampling. "Whether the data involves personal privacy, personal information, commercial secrets, confidential business information, etc., and whether it involves third-party copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights or other legal rights and interests is what we focus on in our review." Gao Feng, partner of Guohao Law (Nanjing) Firm, introduced.

All products on the shelves will be given a data product registration certificate with a code. On the Nanjing Public Resources Trading Platform, 62 data products have been placed on the shelf and have been sold 21 times.

There are various types of products on the shelves, distributed in the fields of culture and tourism, business and commerce, financial services, and enterprise science and innovation. The main developers are both private enterprises and state-owned enterprises such as communication operators and transportation groups. Business subject mapping, real-time operation of public transportation, intelligent parking spaces, etc., are representative of the government data products.

Among the traded products, delivery forms such as cloud-based delivery and offline delivery are used respectively.Taking "spatial data of water condition in the main urban area of the provincial capital city (Gulou, Nanjing)" as an example, after reaching the transaction intention, PICC Nanjing Branch signed a purchase contract with Gulou Hi-Tech Group, and the payment was settled in the form of invoicing and remittance, while the data products were delivered in the form of encrypted compressed packages.

Shanghai is at the forefront of data exchange exploration in the country. Shanghai Data Exchange was established in 2021, and has listed more than 1,000 data products with a high degree of marketization. With the Shanghai charge "entrance fee" is different, just started the Nanjing data trading platform at this stage to highlight the public interest, open to all business subjects.

Nanjing Public Resources Trading Center relevant person in charge of the introduction, taking into account the third-party agency's review service fee for some start-up data merchant enterprises for the higher cost, the platform to provide pre-disclosure function, allowing some of the data products on the shelves first, to be initially agreed upon after the transaction intention, and then supplemented with the relevant formalities. Nanjing's data trading market is still in the early stages of cultivation, improve awareness, create a development environment is the first task, in order to attract more buyers and sellers into the field.At present, the Nanjing public resources trading platform has attracted more than 400 subjects, including 104 data vendors and 173 third-party professional organizations.Image

How the data dividend can be further unleashed

Enterprise water and electricity use may be helpful to financial institutions credit, engaged in the smart city software companies want to regional underground pipe network information ...... In the view of the relevant person in charge of the Gulou District Data Bureau, the government departments to grasp the public data, a considerable portion of the business subject for the operation of the body of the usefulness, but due to the asymmetry of the information, the main body of the operation does not know the The existence of the data, but also can not be obtained, the value of government data for a long time was obliterated.

The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Building a Data Base System to Better Utilize the Role of Data Elements, issued at the end of 2022, suggests that theTo "explore the conditional paid use of public data for industrial development, industry development", which provides top-level support for the commercialization of government data. Government data is an important part of public data.

Individual privacy and public safety protection are necessary prerequisites for government data to move towards large-scale commercialization. Chen Ying, a professor at Nanjing University's School of Engineering Management and director of Nanjing University's Financial Technology Research and Development Center, believes that the way in which government data is developed and utilized is crucial. "If it penetrates directly to the level of citizens' personal information, it involves privacy leakage. But if you simply use the group portrait function of government data, and use the analysis of group behavior to help business entities make decisions and economic and social operation, you can maximize the value and benefits of government data." The balance of security and practicality has forced the continuous upgrading of government data products. "The water spatial data form of this transaction is still only the primary form of the product." Gulou Hi-Tech Group relevant person in charge admitted that the more advanced level of processing lies in the establishment of models, verification and other data tools, so that in the "original data does not go out of the domain, the data is available invisible" under the premise of amplifying the benefits of the product.

"How is data open for different government departments? Opened to which level? The top-level design should formulate good rules and establish an institutional mechanism for rational opening and orderly distribution, so as to dispel the concerns of various departments and further standardize the government data market." Chen Ying suggested.

Gao Feng, a partner of Guohao Law (Nanjing) Firm, also believes that it is necessary to form a unified system of rules for public data authorization and operation and a system of data property rights system in the region as soon as possible, so as to effectively improve the efficiency of the circulation of data elements and to avoid the occurrence of chaotic phenomena in the process of authorization and operation.

Combined with the experience of the actual operation of the Gulou District Data Bureau, the relevant person in charge of further recommendations, it is imperative that the implementation of classification and hierarchical management of government data, in particular, to break down the data barriers between different departments, the mouth of the article is different, but the same content of the data for unified coding to facilitate the management and utilization of batch, welcome the state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, including all parties, "into the field! "will also have the bottom line.
