
The Park: Starting a New Year, Accelerating the Run

Pukou Hi-Tech Zone

Establishment of the Low Altitude Economy Innovation and Development Alliance

Qixia High-Tech Zone

Centralized signing with 13 enterprise representatives


Chinese New Year is getting closer and closer

As the city's economic construction "main battlefield" of the parks

Hot sprint "open the door red"


Pukou Hi-Tech Zone

Running in both directions.Surging the "Power of Co-Progress" of Industry and Talent

On January 23rd, the Low Altitude Economy Innovation and Development Alliance was established in Pukou District, with the first batch of members including Nanjing University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and other 12 colleges and universities, as well as scientific research institutes and industry enterprises such as CLP 14 and China Electronic Information Industry Group. The alliance will empower the high-quality development of the drone industry in Pukou Hi-tech Zone through policy consultation, resource sharing, information sharing and talent sharing.(Previously reported)

Innovation is the first power, talent is the first resource. As the shortest high-tech zone in Nanjing, Pukou Hi-tech Zone has been practicing the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, expanding the "reservoir" of talents with school-land integration, recruiting overseas "highly refined talents" with international vision, and matching talents with the optimal environment. "Eat, live and travel". By the end of last year, the park has introduced and cultivated 12 national key talents, 30 provincial key talents, 8 municipal top experts in science and technology, and the clustering effect of high-end scientific and creative talents continues to be released.

"Bringing schools into the park" to activate "source water"
Colleges and universities are the most reliable "resource bank" and "partner" for Pukou's innovative development. Pukou Hi-tech Zone has cooperated with more than 20 colleges and universities to take the industrial chain as the core, promote the talent "tailor-made", and realize the win-win situation of school, land and enterprise. With the provincial industrial research institute, the South University of Technology to build a green intelligent chemical technology and equipment research institute; with the South University of Nanjing University Pukou Industrial Technology Research Institute, the establishment of Nanjing University Science and Technology Empowerment Center (Pukou); with the launch of the South China Airline Low Altitude Economy Innovation Alliance, linking the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Bay and the Greater Bay Area of the three places of the 12 universities and colleges of the resources of the ...... Pukou! High-tech zone to build a platform, build channels, attracting the flow of university talent, activate scientific and technological innovation of the "source water".

"Overseas recruitment" to build a high "bridgehead"
Last year, Pukou Hi-tech Zone was the first in Nanjing to take the lead in the introduction of "ten international innovation and entrepreneurship", providing full-cycle, full-factor support for overseas talents. Embedded in the global innovation system, the need to recruit talent with an international perspective. In order to accurately solve the common problem of "not suited to the local conditions" of the returned entrepreneurs, Pukou Hi-tech Zone starts the service from the first step of the entry of the talent team, focusing on the real needs of the talents to live in a secure place, enterprise start-up, policy fulfillment, etc., and promotes the people and the city to move from the "bidirectional running to" to the "mutual achievement". "Mutual Achievement".

"Keeping people in the heart" to build a "strong magnetic field"
We focus on both within 8 hours and outside 8 hours. Around the "food, housing, transportation, shopping and entertainment", the park to "watertight" services, thick plant "far from the people, near the people happy, live in peace" talent ecology. Inconvenient transportation, Pukou Hi-tech Zone provides free shuttle buses to connect, and open direct line to Nanjing South Railway Station, subway stations and other important nodes. Rental housing is too expensive, only last year, a total of 790 people, 1.776 million yuan of subsidies.

"Hard power, soft power, it all boils down to talent power."Pukou Hi-tech Zone, said the relevant person in charge, the system is smooth, the mechanism is alive, then the talent gathering, the cause of prosperity, the park will adhere to the policy to the talent focus, financial resources to the talent tilt, service to the talent coverage, the talent development of the vitality into the power of industrial progress.

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Pukou Economic Development Zone.

Recently, Nanjing Municipal Development and Reform Commission released the list of "two industries integration" development demonstration units in 2023, Pukou Economic Development Zone became the only "two industries integration" development demonstration area in the city in 2023, Jiuwu Hi-Tech, Huatian Science and Technology, two enterprises in the park were awarded the annual "two industries integration" development demonstration enterprises. Two enterprises in the park, Jiuwu Hi-Tech and Huatian Technology, were honored as the annual "integration of two industries" development demonstration enterprises.

Since last year, Pukou Economic Development Zone, as the province's "deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industry pilot" unit, based on the leading industry of integrated circuits, thick plant industry chain upstream and downstream of the R & D design, packaging and testing, scenarios, applications and other links of service strength, and continue to optimize the intelligent manufacturing, modern logistics, science and technology innovation, finance, ancillary support and other productive service industry, continuously explore the new path of development of "integration of two industries", expand the new space of industrial quality and efficiency improvement, and strive to create a pilot area for the development of the province's "integration of two industries" integrated circuit industry.

Jiangsu Jiuwu High-Tech Co.

Ltd. is actively exploring a new mode of deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industry, through promoting intelligent manufacturing, built the first domestic ceramic membrane intelligent production line; build ceramic membrane manufacturing industrial big data integration and control platform; provide overall solutions to help users green and high-quality development; establish a full range of diversified service mode, comprehensively promote the integration of the two industries to achieve the transformation and upgrading and high-quality and sustainable development of the enterprise. upgrading and high-quality sustainable development.

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Huatian Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. continues to promote the intelligent and green upgrading of the industrial production system of the integrated circuit industry, climbing up to the high-end of the industrial value chain, and has created the integration of the two industries of digital intelligent manufacturing integrated circuit packaging and testing. In terms of automated production, the introduction of intelligent robots and automated equipment; in terms of the service-oriented model, the use of cloud computing and Internet of Things technology, the construction of a digital service platform, to achieve close collaboration with customers, suppliers and partners; in terms of supply chain collaboration, the introduction of a supply chain management system, to achieve real-time information sharing between suppliers, manufacturers and sellers.