
How many bridges do you know in Lishui?

in Gangnam

A bridge is a poem.

A legend.

When you talk about old bridges, images of old times always come to mind:

The breeze and willow shade, blue waves and green pools, pedestrians leisurely shuttle between them.

It's an old building that connects the past with the present.

It has facilitated travel and decorated the mountains for a certain period of time.

In today's world of increasing transportation

Many of the old bridges are left in the countryside, deserted and unattended.

Wiping away the dust of the years.

Each old bridge is an old relic.

Counting down the bridges of the thoughtless mountains, how many do you know? How many have you walked across?

Lingyun Bridge is located in the top of Wuxi Mountain, the north side of the Tianchi, the old time for a stone bridge connecting Ducheng Mountain and Longming Bridge, after years of neglect, weathering collapse, is now rebuilt as a wooden bridge, spanning about 5 meters, about 1.8 meters wide. Climbing this bridge, such as flying in the air between the blue sky and white clouds, so it is named. Bridge under the original ancient road, about 10 meters deep, both sides of the stone wall like a knife chopping and axe chiseling general, the bottom of the Tianchi outlet, only 1 meter wide. Legend has it that Zhou Liang Gong, a great scribe in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, climbed along the ancient road under the bridge to the top of the temple, and left a poem "from the back of the mountain into the temple, and the monk Syngwu".

"From the back of the mountain, I poured into the temple of Wusi, with the monk Syngwu.

Zhou Lianggong

There is no way out, but there is a Buddhist temple in the sound of the bell.

If you want to step on the high rock to see the stone mortar, don't look at the ancient stone tablet to talk about Qiliang.

My hut is dripping with rain from a thousand mountains, and my cassock is newly sewn with September frost.

Don't point to the cold flowers and leave the guests to stay, the twilight clouds and sad ravines are easy to heartbreak.

Taogong Bridge is located in the southeast corner of the source of the Lake without thinking, the former Shanshui realm broken bridge site, the existing remnants of the bridge piers 2, about 4 meters long, about 2 meters high, for the later set up access to the top of the Gongshan stone bridge site.

Since ancient times, the main entrance to Wuxi Mountain has been in the south of the mountain, i.e. through Zhujian Mountain, the northern foot of Dinggong Mountain (later dammed and built Wuxi Lake); this place is the necessary way for people to visit Wuxi Temple, and there was a wooden bridge across the creek, which was changed into a stone bridge leading to Dinggong Mountain during the construction of the reservoir in 1958. Legend has it that Tao An, a college student, traveled to Wuxi Temple from this bridge and wrote the book "Traveling to Longming Mountain".

Congsan Bridge is located at the northeastern headwaters of Lake Wuzhi, and Wuzhi Lake Road passes over the bridge. The bridge is about 15 meters long and 6 meters wide, and Ducheng Mountain and other water streams flow under the bridge into Lake Wuzhi.

This bridge was originally a wooden bridge, according to legend, when Wang Congshan, the governor of Lishui in Ming Dynasty, visited Wuxi Mountain, there were only two cross logs connecting the bridge, which was very unsafe; after searching for Zhujiashan Village, he found that the villagers were of the same clan, Wang, and then he took the lead to donate 30 taels of silver to build a stone bridge, which greatly facilitated the transportation of the local villagers to the county town. People are grateful to the governor Wang from the goodwill of the action, the bridge will be named "from the good bridge". The original bridge was eroded by the water, the current bridge for the repair of the Lake Wuxi Road when the new.

Wuxing Lake Bridge is located on the west bank of Wuxing Lake, near the water pavilion. The peaks and peaks, the Monroe shaking embellishment, curved back to the Lake Wuxi trestle bridge stands quietly, like a hermit off the dust. On sunny days, you can see the color of water and sky here, and the smoke and rain have become the best viewing place of "Smoke and Rain on Lake and Mountain".
