
The drums of war urge us on, and the merchants draw full bows!

It's early spring in Jinling. The war drums are pushing us forward.

NJ Merchants draw a full bow!

South to North, going out and bringing in to put it all together

February 7, by the Nanjing Investment Promotion Bureau of the main person in charge of the investment team went to Shanghai to visit merchants, negotiate projects. Although the trip was only two days, but was nearly 10 business talks "crowded" full. Visiting enterprises to talk about investment and cooperation, pay attention to the project to promote the demand for services, New Year's visit is also a visit to research, service solutions. Online cloud negotiation offline round table talk development. Visit "old friends", but also to make "new partners".

Before the festival, Nanjing Economic Development Zone Investment Promotion Bureau obtained a message: a well-known foreign enterprises are planning to expand investment in China, and the enterprise's Chinese company executives will come to visit Ningbo during the Spring Festival. After understanding the specific time and arrangements for its visit to Ningbo, we discussed the reception program, and strive to let the "guests from afar to stay".

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone opened its doors to welcome visitors. After exchanges and visits, the other party highly affirmed the investment environment and business environment of Nanjing and Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone. "After the festival, I will come here again, and we are looking forward to the broad prospects of investment and innovation and common development in Nanjing."

Focus on breaking the problem, dredge the congestion point to solve the difficulties to do it

Nanjing "Attracts Increase, Serves Inventory"

Let the enterprise feel the flavor of "home".

During the Spring Festival, a biotechnology company in Chongqing will return to Nanjing this year to spend the New Year, Jiangbei New Area Biomedical Valley Investment Department immediately with each other about the time for a teleconference, to understand the development of enterprise planning, good service guarantee. It is this meeting, let him know the enterprise development "pain point": the company plans to set up cell therapy drug production base in the Yangtze River Delta region, according to the progress of drug research and development, the need for a new production base in 2024 at the end of the production conditions, but 5,000 square meters of plant has not been settled.

The company is a leading cell therapy company in China, and has obtained the registered clinical implied licenses for four national Class I biological new drugs and nine indications. The CAR-T cell preparation for childhood leukemia, which has been included in the list of breakthrough therapeutic varieties, is waiting for the final declaration and approval for clinical listing.

To get businesses on the ground.Attentive service should come first.Biomedical Valley Investment Department of the pharmaceutical valley of unused factories, private enterprises property sorted out, and carefully noted the advantages and disadvantages of each place, take the problem back, run to the needs of the office. Just after the holidays, the person in charge of the enterprise to the pharmaceutical valley, they took the "project solutions" to the project side of the introduction up.

In addition, Xuanwu District investment people rushed before the holiday will be the national machine number of science, the first pharmaceutical, Baide Group, the golden arches, Deji Group and other enterprises to go through, we sit around together, the New Year's development plan put out to exchange, the "demand list" out of the communication. This side of the enterprise to speak freely, that end of the government staff to write, notebook records densely packed.

Build up momentum, the military order to charge up the movement°

Welcome to the New Year and make a "military order".

Jiangning Development Zone held before the holiday 2024 "project breakthrough year" investment mobilization meeting, the park investment team around the introduction of tens of billions of yuan, 5 billion projects, such as the "unveiling of the list of commanders". At the meeting, from recognizing 10 billion projects "investment merit" and 5 billion projects "investment standard bearer" to the release of the "empowerment of the stock of enterprises to build the main industry chain" support policies, Carbon Dafeng Pilot park construction application scenarios open investment plan, from the signing of the 2024 investment objectives and tasks certificate of responsibility to receive the "military order" to attract large and strong, comprehensively set off the "big investment, inviting big business" boom.

Welcome to the New Year, send on-site "testimonials"

In Liuhe Hi-tech Zone, the south of Xianlin University City, the north of Xiongzhou central area, series of Longrobe New City, intelligent manufacturing industrial park, Liuhe Science and Technology Innovation Port and other parks of the 501 Provincial Highway Science and Innovation Industrial Belt attracts businessmen to come. 16 February, the seventh day of the Chinese New Year, Liuhe Hi-tech Zone Management Committee specially sent investment team accompanied by Nanjing Normal University and his party to the NNU new engineering industrial and educational park project to be selected site site visits and the landing environment and policies recommended to send a letter of recommendation "so that the project to speed up the signing of the land. And the landing environment and related policies to promote, in the research line to send a "letter of recommendation", so that the project to accelerate the signing of the landing.

The first working day of the New Year of the Dragon, Yuhuatai District, China (Nanjing) Software Valley came the good news that a well-known water company has the intention of the end of this month or early next month officially stationed in the Software Valley.

It is understood that the enterprise is not only a provincial "specialized, special and new" enterprise, but also a national high-tech enterprise. Based on its existing areas of specialization, characteristics of the business and comprehensive strength, coupled with information technology support, the enterprise will aim to build a pumping station based on the whole life cycle service as the core competitiveness of the business direction, to further enhance the market influence and core competitiveness, which will further lead the city's related enterprises to continue to promote the city's and the province's high quality of the development of the company's water sources.

According to China (Nanjing) Software Valley Investment and Cooperation Department revealed that a trip to Shenzhen before the Spring Festival lasted 3 days of investment, now entering the "harvest period". "Some enterprises have been determined to visit the software valley after the year, further communication and cooperation.

February 18

The first working day after the Spring Festival holiday

Nanjing Investment Promotion Bureau is divided into six teams to 12 districts

Around the "investment breakthrough year"

Developing ideas and talking about initiatives

Downtown linkage to promote investment "open door"!
