
This over $25.6 billion project broke ground!

Accelerating the development of new qualitative productivity based on local conditions

Petrochemical industry transformation and upgrading to add a new chapter

On the morning of August 30, YPC Yamba Light Hydrocarbon Comprehensive Utilization Project was officially started. The project and the downstream new material project with a total investment of about 25.652 billion yuan, the products will be widely used in strategic emerging industries to accelerate the transformation of the petrochemical industry.

The petrochemical and chemical industry is a pillar industry of the national economy.In the construction of industrial strength, Nanjing will be the petrochemical industry as one of the four pillar industries, accelerate the promotion of a number of major industrial projects to land and build, drive the city's petrochemical industry to do better and stronger, to the high-end product chain extension, to the high-tech field into the high-quality development.01New to the projectTotal investment of about 25.652 billion dollars
All-out efforts to build a modern petrochemical industry benchmark

In the morning of that day, Yangzi Yanba Light Hydrocarbon Comprehensive Utilization Project officially "set sail".

It is reported that the comprehensive utilization project of light hydrocarbons of Yangzi Yanba will be constructed and operated by the newly established Nanjing Yangzi Yanba Olefin Co. on October 24, 2023.The project investment of about 9.142 billion yuan, the new 1 million tons / year ethylene and other three sets of process equipment and ancillary facilities, the production of ethylene and propylene are all used in the downstream of the new Yankee Petrochemical polyolefin new materials project and the third phase of the company's project Yangba.

"The commencement of the project is an important milestone, marking the joint efforts of SINOPEC and Germany's BASF to promote the petrochemical industry to the middle and high end." Gu Yuefeng, chairman of Yangzi Petrochemical and YPC, said.

It is reported that the total investment of the project and the downstream new materials project is about25,652 million dollarsThe downstream new material project of the project implements the strategy of refinement and high-end, and the products will be widely used in strategic emerging industries, fully supporting the transformation and upgrading of the petrochemical industry.

Diversification of raw materials and high-end products to promote the transformation and upgrading of the petrochemical industry

The raw materials of the project are in accordance with the principle of "reducing oil and increasing chemical", and the supply is guaranteed through refining structure adjustment without adding new crude oil processing capacity; at the same time, YPC actively utilizes the resources of light hydrocarbon and naphtha along the river area, and carries out external mining on its own at the right time, so as to realize the diversification of raw materials and respond to the changes in the market quickly.

Advanced technology and leading equipment to create a benchmark for modern petrochemical industry

All three units of the project adopt the latest technology developed by SINOPEC, with the indicators reaching the domestic leading level, and the safety and stability of the units are more reliable. The project deeply implements the national "Opinions on Promoting the Demonstration and Application of the First (Sets) of Major Technical Equipment" and other policies, actively promotes the application of new information technology, and strives to be at the forefront of the petrochemical industry in terms of technology, advanced equipment and localization, and makes every effort to build a benchmark for the modern petrochemical industry.

Green, low-carbon, efficient and synergistic, realizing mutual benefits and win-win situations for the region as a whole

The project practices the concept of green and low carbon, takes the lead in proposing to change the ethylene compressor from steam turbine-driven to green electricity-driven, implements the most stringent standards for major pollutant emissions, and reserves carbon capture interfaces, so that energy efficiency is far better than the industry's benchmark level, and can realize the "increase in production without increasing pollution". The project fully relies on stock assets, takes advantage of pipeline interconnection, strengthens synergy and optimization in material resources, public works, emergency rescue, etc., and makes every effort to realize mutual benefits and win-win situation in the region.

Gu Yufeng said that the project will be fully coordinated and put into operation as soon as possible to drive the development of high-end, intelligent and green petrochemical industry and make greater contribution to SINOPEC's construction of the world's leading clean energy and chemical company, consolidation of the good cooperative relationship between SINOPEC and BASF, and construction of a new Jiangsu province that is "Stronger, Wealthier, More Beautiful, and Higher", and the road to new-type industrialization. We will make new and greater contributions to the construction of the world's leading clean energy chemical company, the consolidation of the good cooperative relationship between SINOPEC and BASF, the construction of a new "strong, rich, beautiful and high" Jiangsu, and the development of a new type of industrialization.02

Industrial RenewalAttract enterprise chain gathering high-end extension
Strengthening economic "fundamentals"

Accelerating the construction of Yangzi Yanba Light Hydrocarbon Comprehensive Utilization Project is the "key move" for YPC to adhere to the road of quality enhancement and upgrading, and to comprehensively shape a new competitive advantage in the industry.

"Aiming at the direction of high-end, intelligent and green, Yangzi Petrochemical is now comprehensively optimizing its industrial layout, accelerating the pace of industrial restructuring and intelligent manufacturing upgrading, and striving to promote the whole industrial chain to be more resilient and competitive." Gu Yuefeng said.  

Nanjing is the cradle of China's modern industry, is an important advanced manufacturing base in the country, in the process of long-term development has formed the four pillar industries of iron and steel, petrochemical, electronic information, automobile. Nowadays, the transformation of the whole chain of traditional industries, new upgrading, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity is the trend, but also the inevitable requirements of high-quality development.

Nanjing petrochemical industry has a solid foundation, strong momentum, and in recent years to accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading. This year, Nanjing introduced the "Industrial Strength Action 2024 Work Points", the petrochemical industry put forward "focusing on the 'oil reduction and chemical increase', speed up the implementation of a number of major projects, and promote the petrochemical industry to the extension of the downstream product chain "The upgrading direction of the petrochemical industry.

Policies lead and enterprises advance. Yangzi Petrochemical, Jinling Petrochemical, Nanhua and other leading enterprises in the industry, have insisted on major projects to drive, and continue to promote the pillar industries new upgrade.

Scene of the groundbreaking ceremony of "Jinling Petrochemical High-end Daily Chemicals Project". Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News reporter Feng Peng photo March 29 this year, a total investment of about 10 billion yuan of Jinling Petrochemical high-end daily chemicals project started, after the completion of the project, will create the first domestic from the petroleum raw materials to the end product of the daily chemical new materials industry cluster, annual output value is expected to reach 23 billion yuan. July 10, Nanjing Jinling Huntsman new materials limited liability company isobutene project started, the project is completed, is expected to add 587 million yuan, further promoting the transformation and upgrading of enterprises. After the completion of the project, it is expected to add annual output value of 587 million yuan, and further promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

A number of major industrial projects have been successfully started, and continue to accumulate development momentum. Taking Jinling Petrochemical high-end daily chemicals project as an example, Zhang Chunsheng, secretary of Jinling Petrochemical Party Committee and executive director, said that the commencement of the construction of the project marks a key step in Jinling Petrochemical's promotion of "oil conversion", "oil to special" and new energy fusion development, which will promote the extension of surfactants to medium and high-end products in the detergent industry. The project will promote the extension of surfactants to the high-end products in the washing industry, realize the industry's strong chain to supplement and extend the chain, and effectively enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the market.

Holding the "bull nose" to attract associated enterprises chain concentration, high-end extension, the petrochemical industry continues to change the new, solidifying the Nanjing economy, "the basic plate".

Nanjing Jiangbei New Material Science and Technology Park. Image source: Nanjing Jiangbei New District

As a cluster of chemical enterprises in Nanjing, more than 30 foreign-funded enterprises, more than 20 of the world's top 500 and top 50 chemical companies have gathered in Nanjing Jiangbei New Materials Science and Technology Park, ranking among the top three chemical parks in the country in terms of comprehensive strength, and promoting the construction of the world's first-class petrochemical industry base.

Taking Jinling Huntsman as an example, since it has been rooted in Nanjing for more than 10 years, it has developed into a large-scale domestic manufacturer of methyl tert-butyl ether and propylene oxide, forming a complete upstream, downstream and utility supporting industry chain, which involves a number of industries such as automobile, construction, food, medicine and tobacco. As of the end of June this year, the company's cumulative industrial output value of 49.2 billion yuan and cumulative tax payment of 3 billion yuan have made positive contributions to the local economic and social development.

The petrochemical industry is accelerating its "renewal", attracting enterprises to continue to expand their investment and "add positions" in Nanjing. The start of the Jinling Huntsman isobutylene project with a total investment of 170 million yuan, which is the "key chess" of the enterprise seeking transformation and upgrading, research and development and production of high-end products with high added value and global competitiveness, and further empowering the development of the new materials industry in Nanjing and the surrounding areas.03

industrial innovationExtension to downstream high-end product chain
Cultivating new dynamics and advantages for development

"After the completion of the project, it will produce isobutylene products with a purity greater than 99.9%, which will be widely used as an important chemical raw material in light industry, oil refining, pharmaceuticals, spices, building materials and other fine chemicals." Wang Juxing, Deputy General Manager of Jinling Huntsman, introduced.

It is understood that the project is scheduled to be handed over at the end of July next year, and the project will be "once driven" ("driven" means the operation of the device) at the end of September next year, which opens up a space for further extension of Huntsman's follow-up to the downstream new materials industry in Jinling.

Jinling Petrochemical's high-end daily chemicals project adopts mature, advanced and reliable technology, and its main products include anionic, cationic and non-ionic surfactants, liquid wax, special oil lubricants, catalysts, and high value-added daily chemicals such as highly concentrated laundry detergent and laundry gel.

View of Jinling Petrochemical plant. Image source: Jinling Petrochemical

At the same time, the project will also give full play to the advantages of Jinling Petrochemical daily chemical industry "chain length", focusing on the development of surfactants and downstream industry chain, perfecting the elements of high-end daily chemical industry chain, promoting industry chain reengineering and value chain upgrading, and forming a more essential, safe and environmentally friendly, and more influential and competitive high-end daily chemical products industry base.

To promote the transformation and upgrading of the petrochemical industry, the key lies in accelerating the development of the petrochemical industry to the downstream high-end product chain extension, and the construction of circular chemical industry system.

The Action Plan for Promoting Industrial Strength in Nanjing (2023-2025) explicitly proposes to vigorously develop advanced chemical materials such as high-performance polyolefins, engineering plastics, special rubbers, special polyurethanes, high-performance fibers, high-end speciality chemicals, high-end nylons, etc., and strive to achieve an in-situ conversion rate of the city's basic chemical raw materials of more than 60%. At the same time, we will accelerate the research and development and industrialization of new technologies such as green products and green processes, and organize technological research on the production of new chemical materials using carbon dioxide as raw material. At the same time, we will accelerate the R&D and industrialization of new technologies such as green products and green processes, and organize and carry out technological research on the production of new chemical materials using carbon dioxide as raw material.

 According to the "roadmap", leading enterprises have their own strengths.

Nanhua Corporation

NANHUA upgraded the existing sulfuric acid, nitric acid and liquid ammonia and other traditional inorganic chemical products, and has launched a phase of 20,000 tons/year of electronic grade sulfuric acid project, which is scheduled to be completed and put into operation in the third quarter of this year, and formally enter into the electronic chemicals industry, and actively lay out the electronic grade hydrochloric acid, electronic grade nitric acid, electronic grade ammonia, etc., so as to form a more complete high-end industrial chain in the future, and lay the foundation of high-quality transformation and upgrading for the development of the enterprise.

Jinling Petrochemical

Jinling Petrochemical to speed up the promotion of technological innovation, through the original set of coking equipment for upgrading and transformation of low-value by-products of the oil slurry "waste into treasure", the successful output of high-value petroleum-based carbon materials needle coke products, new energy vehicles, lithium battery anode and high-power graphite electrodes of high-quality raw materials, mainly used in aerospace, semiconductors, It is mainly used in aerospace, semiconductor, nuclear industry and other high-tech fields.

Yangzi Petrochemical Company

As the first domestic manufacturer to successfully develop lithium battery diaphragm material, YPC concentrated on key core technologies and successfully completed the first industrialized production of YEV-150F, a new ultra-high molecular weight lithium battery diaphragm special-purpose material. 2023, its production of polyethylene lithium battery diaphragm material increased by 15% year-on-year to a record high.

"We forward-looking high-end green new materials project planning layout, new product development efficiency of more than 20 million yuan, effectively cultivate the development of new momentum." The relevant person in charge of Yangzi Petrochemical revealed that Yangzi Petrochemical is actively promoting the deep integration of production, marketing, research and use, to create more specialized and special new products, and currently bear the SINOPEC headquarters of three "unveiled marshal" project in an orderly manner, completed the "Enhanced PE-Xb pipe material PE P505X The first industrialized trial production of four grades, including "PE P505X", has been completed.

The petrochemical industry has a large economic volume, a long industrial chain, a wide range of products, and a wide range of related coverage, providing strong support for high-quality development. Nanjing is focusing on the direction of high-end, intelligent, green and advanced metal materials, high-end new chemical materials and other fields, accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the entire industrial chain of the petrochemical industry, and continue to cultivate the development of new kinetic energy and new advantages.
