
What is it about this big model that makes it into the top 10 in the country?

Over 10 million active users

Online more than 1 hour a day


The big model.

What makes it into the top 10 in the country?

Recently, the provincial party committee network information office released the province's generative artificial intelligence services have filed information on the announcement of the six successful filing of the large model, Nanjing occupies half of the river.Among them, there is zero technology born in Xuanwu District a year ago, with self-developed Qizhen big model, become the youngest enterprise on the list.

Compared with Huawei, Silicon Intelligence and other leading enterprises on the list at the same time, there is zero technology is a "dark horse". 2023 February, a few like-minded partners gathered in the Pearl River Road New World Building, from the "urban silicon alley" to chase their ChatGPT At that time, ChatGPT came out of nowhere, and AI big models became the hottest track of the digital economy, ushering in a "blowout" development stage.

Both on the R&D side and on the application sideFirst to embrace the "new species"Definitely young.
The startup team of Yuzo Technology is almost exclusively composed of post-90s, and this team of "young guards" is facing the "wind mouth" and focusing on the pan-entertainment experience of "Generation Z". This "young guard" is facing the "wind mouth", taking "Generation Z's" general entertainment experience as the base, plowing into the niche field of big language modeling, introducing the data flywheel technology to collect the real corpus, and after many rounds of error correction and iteration, it is now the most popular language model in the world.Successfully researched and developed the "Qizhen Big Model", and launched the artificial intelligence chatting smart body - I am in AI.

From smart chat to online assistants, from interactive novels to real board games, "I'm in AI" is driven by new artificial intelligence technology, shaping more interesting and soulful digital characters through Qizhen's large models, and relying on voice and text interactions to quickly establish an emotional link between the user and the intelligent character, thus providing more personalized The emotional value of more personalized interaction and immersion. The new experience of changing from "third person" to "first person" has allowed "I am in AI" to attract millions of active users in just one year.And another data is even more noteworthy: the per capita single-day use of time reached 63 minutes, close to and beyond many mainstream short video, longVideo, gaming, socializing and other apps, among the top 10 apps of its kind.

Behind "I'm in AI" quickly "break the layer out of the circle", not only its technical ingenuity, but also its accurate grasp of young people's entertainment needs, but also thanks to the fertile ground for innovation in Xuanwu."Pearl River Road is conveniently located and carries its own innovation gene, with an active software industry and digital economy." The founder of the enterprise said that because of the close proximity of Nanda University and Dongda University, science and education talent resources are the biggest advantage of the main city, and the team has grown from less than 10 people at the beginning to more than 40 people.

Data, arithmetic, algorithms

Known to drive the development of large models


Xuanwu, as an urban area in Jiangsu that takes the lead in the development of data element industry, is accelerating the construction of Jiangsu International Data Port to find the best path to realize data value and form killer applications in the massive data. Relying on the advantages of cloud-network convergence, Xuanwu cooperates with Jiangsu Telecom to establish an arithmetic scheduling center to support the big model industry, and more than 1,000P of arithmetic support will be provided in the first phase.

Just earlier this month."Xuanwu Big Model Factory" was inaugurated in Xuzhuang Hi-Tech Zone.It focuses on innovative research and development, arithmetic service, data application and ecological construction in the field of artificial intelligence, and makes every effort to build a highland for the development of the big model industry, and synchronously releases the big model science and technology innovation loan financial products with a total amount of more than 1 billion yuan.

A favorable industrial ecology breeds competitive enterprises.As a "new force" in the field of artificial intelligence, "I am in AI" has won the attention of the capital market and successfully completed the first round of ten million financing."Compared with traditional giants such as BAT, we have no path dependence and can travel light and create unlimited possibilities." The person in charge of the enterprise introduced that through the continuous updating of technology research and development and content supply, "I'm in AI" plans to explore more new modes of commercialization applications, develop peripheral products such as AI toys and hand offices, and simultaneously rely on the advantages of the domestic manufacturing industry to open up the chain to the sea.

In the ever-changing field of artificial intelligence, you can never predict how much explosive power a "tadpole" contains. The next goal of ZeroTech is very specific and challenging---This year, we aim to increase the number of active users of "I am in AI" to 50 million.
