
How does NJ fly in this sky?

"Air Cars", how far away are we?

Recently, a 5-seater "air car", from Shenzhen Shekou Cruise Terminal, flying to Zhuhai Jiuzhou Port Terminal, the whole process about 20 minutes. And take the ground car, from Shenzhen to Zhuhai about 2.5-3 hours.

This "air car", officially called theElectric Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft (eVTOL)The first flight of the first time, behind its stunning first flight, is the trillion-dollar wide market of low-altitude economy.

Nanjing, one of the first cities in China to get involved in the low-altitude economy.On the afternoon of March 14, Nanjing A chen dragon year of the first "service enterprises - face to face" activities, the theme focuses on the low altitude economy - actively layout of the low altitude industry, to create a new quality of development and productivity of the new engine.

Nanjing low altitude economy, how will meet the wind momentum?


Low-altitude economy, Nanjing's foundation and conditions

The market size of China's low-altitude economy is expected to reach 1.5 trillion yuan by 2025 and is expected to reach 3.5 trillion yuan by 2035, according to data released by the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

What exactly is the low-altitude economy?To put it simply, low-altitude economy is a new economic form of multi-industry integration with aircraft as the main focus and low-altitude activities as the traction, including low-altitude manufacturing, low-altitude flights, low-altitude security, comprehensive services and so on.

Sitting in the "air cab" to go to work, take the "unmanned aerial vehicle" low altitude tourism, with the help of drone distribution ...... these once in the science fiction movie only have the picture, and now has been in the These once sci-fi movie images have now blossomed in a number of cities in China, and they all belong to the category of low-altitude economy.

In the view of Yan Xuefeng, director of the UAV Research Institute of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the low-altitude economic industry chain has a strong driving ability, and it is very likely that the future will become an excellent opportunity for China's economy to bend the road to overtake. In fact.Development of low altitude economy, the top-level design at the national level, has long seen the beginningsThe

In February 2021, the low-altitude economy was written into the Outline of the National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Plan for the first time;

In December 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference elevated the low-altitude economy to the level of a strategic emerging industry;

On January 1, 2024, the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flights came into force; and during the National People's Congress in March, the low-altitude economy was for the first time included in the State Council's "Government's Work Report" and incorporated into the category of new quality productivity.

There is even a view in the industry that2024 may be the first year of low-altitude economic development, there is a race around the world to lay out this new track.

As one of the earliest cities in China to get involved in the low-altitude economy, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, as early as 2018, began in Pukou District, Nanjing, to carry out research and application of key technologies for the low-altitude economy.In 2020, Nanjing becomes one of the first 13 civil unmanned aerial test zones in ChinaThe

At the beginning of 2024, Top Attack (Nanjing) Robotics Co., Ltd. has continuous orders, the production line production plan has been scheduled to April, and the proportion of foreign sales reached 50%, which is very popular in Southeast Asia, South America and other markets. In the production workshop, the plant protection drone, inspection drone, logistics drone 3 production lines, basically at full capacity production state, the monthly output of 2000.

The enterprise's UAV products can "blossom both inside and outside the wall", thanks to the product's leading edge in technology. Nanjing has a lot of large institutions, there are also many supply chain support, low-altitude economy, industrial base and scientific and educational support is very advantageous.

On the one hand, the advantages of science and education talents related to low-altitude economy are obvious.Nanjing has a number of colleges and universities related to low-altitude economy, for example, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has the only helicopter program in the country, and the city has more than 10 academicians of the two academies in the field of aerospace and about 400 young and middle-aged experts.

On the other hand, industrial agglomeration has taken shape.Nanjing's low-altitude economy industry, mainly distributed in Pukou, Baixia, Qilin, LinKong Economic Demonstration Zone and other sectors, in the manufacturing, flight, security and other key links, have a layout. The city has gathered one hundred aerospace enterprises, of which eighty percent are regulated enterprises, and the revenue of low altitude economy-related industries in 2023 will be nearly 3 billion yuan.

"Geese and geese" flying together, the roar of the new engine

Before the first symposium on "Serving Enterprises - Face to Face" in the Year of the Dragon in Nanjing, the participants visited an aviation science and technology enterprise - Yvette (Nanjing) Aviation Science and Technology Co. This is a "air car" R & D and production enterprises by the CCTV attention.

Although it has only been established for more than 2 years, YVT has already completed the design, development and manufacture of several medium and large-sized UAVs, and also realized the assembly of the five-person, four-seat eVTOL prototype off the production line.Its main product is expected to come to market in the next two to three years.

The "flying car" is an important change that will enable three-dimensional transportation in the future.According to Morgan Stanley and other institutions predict that urban air transportation, with eVTOL as the main carrier, will give rise to a trillion-dollar market.

Looking at the whole country, at present in Shenzhen, the typical application scenarios built around eVTOL have begun to take shape. Shenzhen has attracted globally renowned eVTOL R&D and manufacturing and a number of leading enterprises by creating application scenarios and providing policy support.

A typical project to lead the way, drive the layout of upstream and downstream enterprises, the formation of production with the chain, the chain of Xingqun virtuous cycle, may be able to open a new path for the development of low-altitude economy.

In the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River, the crew has experienced the new shopping method of "cell phone order + drone delivery". It only takes more than ten minutes to complete the supply of materials on board without docking or going ashore.

As of the end of last year, Jiangsu Yangtze River Gateway waterborne drone logistics and distribution platform has served nearly 500,000 crew members, more than 3,200 shipping enterprises, and the number of ships in which transactions have taken place has exceeded 40,000 items. This not only reduces the diesel consumption generated by ships berthing and leaving the service area for the shipping industry, but also contributes to energy saving and emission reduction.

As early as 2021, Nanjing has built a 98-kilometer low-altitude economic demonstration zone along the Yangtze River, realizing typical applications such as Yangtze River inspection, non-stop boat shopping and emergency rescue.

However, at present, these projects have not yet developed a large momentum and demonstration effect.The takeoff of the low-altitude economy calls for closer cooperation and the same direction between manufacturing and services, government and market, industry and publicity.

Look to the sky, believe in the wind and set sail

In the "service enterprises - face-to-face" activities, the most concentrated demands and suggestions of the participating entrepreneurs are basically centered on "special policies", "infrastructure", "development planning" and other top-level design issues. "Development planning" and other top-level design issues.

Mr. Fang Baoli, Chairman of Jiangsu Changjiang Hui Technology Co., Ltd. suggested that due to the limited shoreline resources of the Yangtze River, it is difficult for private enterprises to build a general airport for drones along the Yangtze River. It is suggested that Nanjing has the foresight to lay out low-altitude economic infrastructure, thus lowering the threshold for private enterprises to enter this field.

Yang Weishun, general manager of Nanjing Aerospace Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. believes that the low altitude economy industry chain is long, wide coverage, strong driving force, Nanjing, if you can set up a professional "low altitude economy" (aviation) industrial park, will be conducive to play the industrial agglomeration effect.

As a representative of the new quality of productivity, low altitude economy this "new track" in the heat of the rise at the same time, is also becoming "crowded", but also more need to "escort".

Putting the perspective to the whole country, Shenzhen has introduced the first "low altitude economy" legislation - "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Low Altitude Economy Industry Promotion Regulations", paving the rule of law "runway" for industrial development. Hefei issued the "Hefei Low Altitude Economy Development Action Plan (2023-2025)", which specifies the spatial guarantee, industrial concentration, scenario demonstration, and facility construction for the development of the "low altitude economy"; Sichuan explicitly proposes to accelerate the development of the "low altitude economy". "to support manned aircraft drones, military and civilian, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises together on ......

Low-altitude economy needs modularization to build up the development structure, that is, from the macro level of industrial planning and policy system to the use of scenarios, air routes and other specific issues, to pave a good "new airway" for industry-related enterprises.

For example, Nanjing has a deep reserve of technical talents in software information, aviation command, Beidou satellite, fiber materials, new energy batteries, integrated circuits and so on. It is imperative to strengthen the systematic concept to integrate these resource advantages into the new track of low-altitude economy.

For example, highlighting the traction of application scenarios, exploring the construction of urban transportation, emergency response, environmental monitoring and other aspects of the application scenarios, through the government's first purchase, ordering, under the premise of fair competition, for the low-altitude economy to provide a stage for enterprises to display, and boost its capture of niche markets, sprinting to the "single champion".

For example, to play a leading role in pulling, seize the transformation of the results of the South China Aviation Corporation, industry leaders to set up regional headquarters and other key points, to grasp the "expanding circle", "extend the chain", "nesting and attracting phoenixes", and cultivate industrial ecology, so that the enterprise echelon to form a wild goose effect and so on.

Layout of the "City in the Sky", Nanjing sails but believes in the wind.
