
Policies, achievements and projects are unveiled! Watch this conference in Nanjing together!

Race to a new track, build a new engine

May 15, p.m.

Nanjing Low Altitude Economic Development Conference held in Pukou District

At the meeting, invited representatives, representatives of civil aviation units, affiliated enterprises, experts and scholars from universities, and all relevant departments of the province and city gathered together.Focusing on the future trends and opportunities of low-altitude economic development, key technological innovation breakthroughs, application scenarios and other areas to share insights, collision of ideas, start a new chapter of cooperation, and work together to promote the high-quality development of low-altitude economy.


Policy Interpretation

Implementation Program, Several Measures Reinforced

Aiming for the "first square" in the country

At present, Nanjing low altitude economy has gathered more than a hundred related enterprises, in the low altitude manufacturing, low altitude security, low altitude flight and comprehensive services and other key industrial direction have layout, formed a good industrial ecology, low altitude industry, the level of the strong chain of complementary chain extension significantly enhanced.In 2023, the city's low-altitude economy-related industries will generate nearly $3 billion in revenue.

At the meeting, the Implementation Program for Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Low Altitude Economy in Nanjing (2024-2026) (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Program) and the Several Measures of Nanjing on Supporting the High-Quality Development of the Low Altitude Economy (hereinafter referred to as the Several Measures) were formally released and interpreted, which seek to implement these two documents in a way thatPromote the city's low-altitude economic development level to be steadily ranked in the first square in the country.

the next three years

Development goals of the city's low-altitude economy

1 total indicator

Scale development of the city's low-altitude economy industryOver 50 billion dollarsThe

7 specific indicators

☑Built240Above low altitude aircraft landing sites and supporting information technology infrastructure.

☑Built3The above test flight test site and controller training site.

☑Planning and construction1-2General Purpose Airports.

☑Opening120 articlesAbove low altitude routes.

☑ The city's high-tech enterprises in the field of low-altitude economyOver 120 homes.

☑Built15Provincial or higher innovation platforms.

☑Cultivation30The above innovative application scenarios with demonstration effect.

Priorities of the city's low-altitude economy

Effective safeguarding of low-altitude flight activities

Focusing on realizing large-scale, low-cost, safe and controllable flight activities, six tasks have been put forward, including improving the design of the low-altitude flight regime, promoting collaborative air traffic management, enhancing the capacity of flight control services, building a low-altitude flight data platform, constructing ground-based low-altitude infrastructure and building a low-altitude digital and intelligent network;

Enhancing the level of low-altitude industrial agglomeration

Focusing on enterprise cultivation, industrial support, carrier construction, and making excellent brands, it puts forward four tasks, such as laying out a new track for low-altitude future industries, cultivating and growing low-altitude economic industry chain, creating a high-level industrial carrier area, and organizing and carrying out major activities in the field of low-altitude;

Expanding the cultivation of low-altitude application scenarios

Focusing on scene expansion, industry enrichment and characteristic consumption, three tasks have been put forward, such as creating "government-side" application scene demonstration, exploring "transportation-side" application scene practice, and encouraging "business-side" application scene innovation. The company has put forward three tasks, such as creating "government-side" application scene demonstrations, exploring "transportation-side" application scene practices, and encouraging "business-side" application scene innovation;

Building a low-altitude science and technology innovation center

Focusing on giving full play to the advantages of scientific and technological innovation and talent concentration, it puts forward three tasks, such as promoting breakthroughs in low-altitude scientific and technological innovation, developing new forms of low-altitude scientific and technological services, and consolidating the support of low-altitude industry talents;

Improvement of supporting measures for the low-altitude economy

Focusing on core services, external support and strengthened supervision, four tasks have been put forward, such as fostering airworthiness certification technical service capacity, forming a low-altitude economy expert committee and a low-altitude economy industry association, and establishing a low-altitude safety guarantee mechanism.

In the "several initiatives", not only clear 12 specific initiatives of the lead department, but also through the highest ten million cash incentive policy, "real money" to promote the development of low-altitude economy.

Publication of results

Four technical achievements, 40 routes in five categories

Amplify the advantages of resource endowment


Four Low Altitude Intelligent Link Advanced Technology Achievements Released01

QKD system for UAV mobile platform applications

Academician Zhu Shining's team of Nanjing University completed the UAV-based quantum entanglement distribution test and mobile millimeter-wave communication test, which is the first time in the world to realize low-latency, high-speed, and high-bandwidth signal transmission under classical optical communication, and to enhance the security of communication links based on the quantum key distribution technology to prevent the leakage and tampering of key information, and to favorably enhance the security and protection level of the sensitive information of the country, such as the data of the low-altitude airspace.02

Cell-free massive MIMO technology for 6G

Based on the world's first 6G cellular-free radio access network architecture, Purple Mountain Laboratory has realized more than ten-fold improvement in wireless transmission capabilities such as spectrum efficiency, peak rate and transmission delay compared with 5G. Among them, the key technical indicators have reached the international leading level, fully empowering 6G air-ground cooperative communications, realizing full coverage of 800 square kilometers of airspace at a single station, and significantly reducing the construction cost of airspace network.


Blockchain-based low altitude safety control technology

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), based on the characteristics of blockchain technology such as decentralization, non-codification and traceability, has successfully developed the first domestic low altitude safety control platform, which empowers drone manufacturers, mobile network operators, data service nodes and regulatory agencies to realize the effective management, regulation and safeguard of the low altitude spectrum resources, and to safeguard the order and safety of communications.04

5G-A Integrated Communication and Sensing Technology for Low Altitude Intelligent Networking

On the basis of 5G wireless communication network, Nanjing civil unmanned aerial test area utilizes radar reflection technology to weave a low altitude perception network, so that the test area is equipped with key capabilities such as target trajectory tracking, black flight intrusion detection, and electronic fence warning. This technology is a key step for 5G to 6G, further consolidating the international leading position of China's 5G-A communication perception technology.

Nanjing civil unmanned aerial operation and management center. Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News reporter Cui Xiao photo

Nanjing has opened up "low-altitude air routes" to create an innovative "low-altitude +" integration model, focusing on the protection of the Yangtze River, the transportation of medical supplies, science and technology, cultural tourism, low-altitude express delivery and other scenarios.It has set up 40 routes in five categories: low-altitude inspection, low-altitude express delivery, low-altitude medical material transportation, low-altitude sightseeing and low-altitude buses, so as to create a smarter, more efficient and greener low-altitude transportation system in the whole region.


Low-altitude patrols (9 routes)

With the advantages of high-altitude perspective and real-time image transmission, the drone will improve risk and hidden danger detection capabilities, enhance emergency response capabilities, and create a "low-altitude safety net" for residents. It is expected that 7,200 flights and 87,000 kilometers will be flown annually.

Low-altitude express (13 routes)

It covers a wide range of logistics and transportation needs, solves many problems such as resource allocation and traffic congestion, adds to the green and low-carbon development of logistics, and brings a new experience of "low-altitude +" consumption to the city. It is expected to have 20,000 flights and 11,300 kilometers of mileage per year.

Low-altitude transportation of medical supplies (12 routes)

Low-altitude transportation of medical supplies: overcoming geographical obstacles, improving the efficiency of first aid, speeding up the process of diagnosis and treatment, realizing remote first-aid guidance, and creating a solid and reliable low-altitude "lifeline". It is expected that 8,000 flights and 120,000 kilometers will be flown annually.

Low-altitude sightseeing (4 routes)

Promote low-altitude sightseeing excursions from niche and high-end gradually to the masses, preferably select project sites, optimize the operation mode, and promote personalized and diversified upgrading of tourism consumption. It is expected that there will be 2,150 flights and 52,500 kilometers of mileage in a year.

Low-altitude buses (2 routes)

It greatly shortens people's travel time, improves travel convenience, broadens the space for urban transportation development, and brings more opportunities for the development of low-altitude industry as well as transportation industry. It is expected to open 2 flight verification routes.03

Project Signing

37 projects with a total investment of 30.6 billion yuan

Paving the runway for low-altitude economic take-off

At the meeting, Nanjing Municipal People's Government signed strategic cooperation agreements with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and China Railway Communication Signal Company Limited to clarify the creation of civil aviation science and technology innovation bases and low-altitude economy industrial innovation centers, and to promote the enhancement of civil aviation safety and airworthiness innovation capabilities as well as scientific and technological research and development, industrial traction and results transformation capabilities. At the same time, the city's major functional boards around the airworthiness technology research institute, key laboratories and inspection and testing centers and other major platforms and related units to sign, promote the formation of high-end aviation innovation resources cluster.

A number of key industrial projects were also signed

It is reported that the conference site signed 37 industrial funds and investment projects, with a total investment of 30.6 billion yuan.Among them, there are 2 aerospace industry funds with a total investment of more than 20 billion yuan, and 35 low-altitude economy-related industry projects with a total investment of 10.6 billion yuan. Among the signed projects, there are 9 projects with a total investment of more than 500 million yuan and 4 projects with a total investment of more than 1 billion yuan, and the signed projects cover the whole industrial chain of low-altitude economy industry, such as technology research and development, low-altitude aircraft manufacturing, low-altitude operation service, low-altitude infrastructure and supporting security.

In order to better play the role of experts and think tanks in the field of low altitude, the conference also for the Nanjing Low Altitude Economy Expert Committee part of the experts, issued a letter of appointment.
