
It takes a lot of patience.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) Aiming at the low altitude economy, the newly signed Guangdong Zhilian oil-electric hybrid drone project landed in the Jiangbei New District Research Park; to strengthen the leading industries in the region, to promote the Shanghai Tongshu genetic tumor gene diagnostic project settled in Nanjing Biomedical Valley; to grow the patient capital, hand in hand with the sinophilus investment in the new 300 million yuan of biomedical industry fund ......

Since this year, Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Industrial Investment Group) focuses on the main responsibility and main business, clarifies the main direction of attack, deepens the capital cooperation, plans and develops the path of investment, extends and expands the industrial chain, and promotes attraction by investment and production by investment in a full-bowed and vigorous posture.01Patient capital, long-lasting companionship

○ Guiding capital to be a "friend of time" is what the Industrial Investment Group is doing.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) With more than 20 years of deep plowing in the market and focusing on the research and development of cutting-edge technology of radar and electronic communication, WXT is now ushering in a new round of development opportunities. While busy selecting the location of the regional headquarters to expand business, while planning to enter the new track of low-altitude economy, in the face of the intricate internal and external environment superimposed on the transformation of the lack of financial support and other problems, the enterprise called "great pressure".

○ At this juncture, the industrial investment fund under the Industrial Investment Group decisively made a move, a breath of tens of millions of yuan, not to emphasize the short-term gains, but only to achieve the investment to promote the attraction of the industrial development of Jiangbei New Area casting.In this way, not only solved the urgent needs of enterprises, but also led to more than 100 million yuan of social capital to continue to follow up, the emergence of production and investment in patient capital, but also let the enterprise patience development has a bottom line.

On April 30 this year, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting and proposed patient capital for the first time. on August 6, the Jiangbei New Area released the implementation plan for the construction of the fund cluster and the market-based sub-fund of the industrial mother fund recruitment announcement, and on the same day inaugurated the Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Fund Cluster and the Yangtze River Delta Shared Office Center of the insurance asset management industry. The so-called patient capital, as the name suggests, is "long money", not disturbed by short-term market fluctuations, adhere to the value of investment and emphasize long-term returns.

○ As the main body of industrial investment and development in Jiangbei New Area, to do a good job of patient capital, will be strong and attract the best with the extension of the chain to supplement the chain, to promote the deep integration of industry and financial capital, is a major path of the Group's efforts to attract investment this year.

○"We will invest in whatever Jiangbei New Area needs." The relevant person in charge of the strategic investment department of the Industrial Investment Group expressed the investment philosophy in this way.On the one hand, through the strong chain to complement the chain extension chain, for the new area of existing industries to revitalize the stock; on the other hand, start to cultivate, incubate integrated circuits, biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing, new materials and software and information and other strategic emerging industries and even the future subversive industries, to seize a new track, cultivate new kinetic energy.

○ When investment attraction enters the second half, how to make new tricks in the traditional way of playing, to realize more projects rooted downward and featured industries growing upward in the regional scope? In the view of the investment department of the Industrial Investment Group.To fund prying capital, capital into the industry, so as to introduce and land a number of excellent projects, for the regional economy and industrial development to play a leading role.

○ A vivid case is that a few days ago, the industrial investment group hand in hand with the well-known investment institutions sinopacific capital, the two sides reached a cooperation to set up a new scale of 300 million yuan of industrial funds, focusing on the field of biomedical industry investment and financing. The strategic investment department of the group Ding Zhi said that this cooperation is unusual:High-quality investment institutions are often able to release strong gravitational waves, leveraging the resource advantages of the head of the capital institutions, to help more high-quality projects can be attracted to the, retention and development.

○ Ding Zhi introduced, the current external environment by the impact of unfavorable factors, the market fund investment generally "cold". However, the head of the capital institutions can still maintain the strength to do the best of the best. In this cooperation with the Industrial Investment Group, the risk of peak capital, for example, the investment institutions in the past three years a total of 22 investment in medical-related enterprises, the cumulative financing of more than 10 billion yuan, a number of enterprises valuation soared 10 times. Genmab, a Nasdaq-listed company, had thrown $1.8 billion to acquire its incubator Pufang Bio, and the valuation of the enterprise soared 60 times overnight.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) Fund to break the title, "marriage" social quality capital institutions, wade out of the new path to attract investment, according to the map to attract big projects, which is the wisdom of the Industrial Investment Group Fund investment.

○ This summer, Jiangbei New District held a major project groundbreaking ceremony - by the treasure Ying (Nanjing) gas limited liability company invested 150 million yuan in the Nanjing special gas production center project in Nanjing Jiangbei New Materials Science and Technology Park. The new project intends to use adsorption, distillation, ultrafiltration combined with purification technology, the first 8,000 tons / year of ultra-high purity ammonia (optoelectronic grade) production center in Nanjing. As early as 3 years ago, the Industrial Investment Group has recognized the development potential of BaoYing Gas, and injected capital through its industrial fund - Green Power New Material Venture Capital Fund to help the enterprise grow.

○ Not long ago, the investment promotion personnel also learned that the fund involved in the investment of another power battery enterprise has the intention of building a new production base. Knowing the information, the group's main leaders will immediately lead the team to negotiate. At present, after many rounds of consultation with the Industrial Investment Group, the park, the enterprise clearly expressed the intention to land, the landing program is being refined for discussion.

02Precise investment promotion, the initiative to seek change

○ The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese Modernization, adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, makes it clear that it is necessary to build a unified national market, regulate local investment promotion laws and regulations, and prohibit illegal and unlawful acts of policy concessions.From August 1, the Regulations on the Review of Fair Competition came into force, and a number of behaviors affecting fair competition and the building of a unified national market were prohibited. Prohibit, how to adjust the investment promotion way, become a common topic in front of the local.

○ On the north bank of the Yangtze River, the Industrial Investment Group is striving to innovate investment promotion methods.From the carrier, capital, industrial ecology and other elements needed for the development of enterprises into a full range of factors, to carry out the four-in-one investment promotion method, that is, industrial parks led by the industry investment, empowerment, fund prying, special classes to promote the construction of "parks + industry investment + fund + special classes" investment pattern, to achieve the same frequency resonance with the enterprise sustainable.

○ In the summer, the sun is blazing, into the newly built Nanyuan Neighborhood Service Center, looking at the office space in front of you is stepping up renovation, the person in charge of Nanjing Perelande Technology Co. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of "TCC", the company plans to take new energy charging piles as the pivot point to fully roll out electric vehicle charging infrastructure operations and other businesses.

○ This year, the production and investment group to carry out an internal staff competition, the field is the stage of investment promotion.Each other regardless of department, everyone is the main investment, everything is the image of investment, when it is investment time.

○ What is this all-volunteer race about?

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) Than the investment promotion efficiency."Never say no, never say no", to do immediate analysis of information, rapid negotiation of projects, timely response to claims, not easy to say no when encountering problems, and strive to find ways to solve the problem. Treating people honestly, policy, communication, diligence, service can be, accounting line, production and investment group adhere to the identity of party B pragmatic and efficient to promote investment work.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) The ratio is the quality of the investment.The use of fund investment attack high-quality project attraction, Guangdong Zhilian oil-electric hybrid drone project, Shanghai Tongshu genetic tumor gene diagnostic project, Suzhou Youdas long-distance ultrasonic sensor project and a number of projects have been successfully landed in the new area, an industrial and commercial energy storage project, a solid-state battery project and a number of projects landed in the new area of a very strong willingness to do so.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) The ratio is a safeguard mechanism."A hand" to grasp investment, "a bright sun group", "a weekly meeting", "a monthly bulletin" and so on. "Four One" to strengthen the promotion mechanism, every day light project (information), weekly than progress, monthly sunshine results, through the light than sunshine to stimulate the whole staff to spell breakthrough dry, to create a large grasp of investment, really grasp the strong atmosphere of investment.

○Take the competition as a handhold, and the investment boom is surging everywhere:In the first half of this year, the Industrial Investment Group attracted 15 new projects, more than half of the total number of projects above 100 million yuan, and as many as 60 new enterprises have settled in the science and innovation carrier.

○ In May of this year, the Industrial Investment Group and Huayang Pharmaceutical's wholly-owned subsidiary, Anoxin, signed a cooperation agreement worth 100 million yuan to increase capital and expand production, with the enterprise focusing on the research and development of new medicines, and planning to build a regional center integrating research and development, production and sales.

○ The relevant person in charge of Beilian Assets, a subsidiary of the Industrial Investment Group, introduced that this promising and good project is an unexpected surprise harvested by the team in the process of accurate docking service enterprises. "Over the past period of time, we comprehensively sorted out the directory of enterprises stationed in the Group's scientific research office carrier, and conducted door-to-door visits in accordance with the principle of 'one enterprise, one policy'." Mapping out the bottom of the family, the group's main person in charge of leading the team, face to face to ask the needs of enterprises, practical relief to solve problems, for enterprises to seek a new way to add impetus. Ano new is to visit the process of service enterprises, met the treasure project.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) The introduction of new projects is a shortcut to grow the total real economy, and to help and support the growth and development of local enterprises, this secondary investment model not only saves costs, but also promotes the existing enterprises to achieve large-scale development.


Doing the best carrier, attracting the phoenix to live

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) The city is the combination of "production" and "city", the city without production can not rise, production without the city can not stand.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) Long summer, more than attack. Currently in the third quarter of the construction of the construction of the golden period, into the Beilian Yongtai Yongkang construction site, tower cranes, machinery roaring, construction personnel are stepping up operations, the construction site is busy and orderly. Sitting in the core of Jiangbei New District, the project aims at the commercial district, chain hotels, serviced apartments and other business functions. The construction of the entire project is divided into two phases, the current Yongtai Plaza has been completed, is entering the investment sprint stage; Yongkang Plaza as the second phase of the project, but also in the synchronization of intensive construction. According to the planning and design, Beilian Yongkang Yongtai Plaza set business, catering, accommodation, entertainment in one, after the completion of the project will further convergence of business, gather popularity, and inject fresh blood into the booming development of regional business.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) Setting up a working team, perfecting the design program, and declaring all kinds of procedures ...... against the work plan at hand, Beilian Yongtai Yaduo Hotel project leader Wang Beier has been busy recently. This summer's busyness stems from the cooperation signing in early spring.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) This spring, YIC signed a contract with the well-known lodging brand Yado Hotel to move into Beilian Yongtai Yongkang Plaza. In Wang Bell's view, behind the landing of this billion-dollar commercial cooperation project, a two-way run was interpreted.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) "The brands chose to land here because of the commercial value of the area."Wang Baer bluntly stated the reason for Yaddo's "bet", the carrier is surrounded by densely distributed industrial parks, science and technology enterprises, with a high concentration of business travelers, and at the same time clustered around a number of residential communities in the high-tech area of the new district, so the potential commercial value is immeasurable.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) Yaddo Hotel has settled in the new district to boost the development of high-end service industry in the new district. Since the landing of the project, the main person in charge of the Industrial Investment Group took the first time to go to Shanghai and take the initiative to dock with the brand demand. From attracting surrounding supporting businesses to assisting in the declaration of various formalities, the Group has set up a special team to follow up the project in a timely manner.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) Zooming in on the project construction map of the Industrial Investment Group, a phenomenon worth noting.The planning and construction mode of point by point, connecting points into lines, makes the concept of integration of industry and city deeply rooted in people's hearts.For example, the Digital Intelligence Ti Valley, which is across the street from the Beilian Yongkang Yongtai Project, has risen up, with 11 brand-new buildings located in R&D offices, where the smoke and fire of the concentrated commercial cluster on one side and the new achievements of industrial innovation on the other side have been accomplished and fused with each other.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) Turn over the production investment group freshly developed "investment carrier inventory", full of 20 pages of content. The yellow icon represents the commercial carrier, the blue icon is the industrial carrier, around the green area are "big" plant ......
