
Major projects summer offensive! Jiangning centralized signing 12.42 billion yuan

May 5, "May Day" the last day of the holiday, Jiangning District, with a major industrial projects on-site observation and promotion will be launched in the second quarter of the "summer offensive".

  • On site, the big projects "speeding", and strive to start all the new projects in the first half of the year;
  • On the signing table.17 large projects with a total investment of 12.42 billion yuan to the "new" layout, for "the first half of the year to complete the investment mission over 80%" goal "ballast".

contribute to building sth.

Strive to start all new projects in the first half of the year

  Nanjing Myriad Bio-medical Electronics Co., Ltd. is a garden-style factory hidden in the natural landscape. Inside the newly completed Phase III factory, AGVs, robot arms and fully automated assembly lines work closely under the command of the "intelligent brain" to operate the largest blood cell reagent factory in Asia.
"The Nanjing plant has been developing well, and the annual output value has maintained a growth of more than 20% in recent years. The third phase of the plant was completed at the end of last year, and this year it moved from trial production to mass production." The company's general manager revealed that "from January to April, the output value of the Nanjing factory grew by approximately 50% overall."

Engineering machinery roaring, transport vehicles shuttle, workers grasp the operation ...... as a provincial and municipal major projects, Nanrui relay intelligent electrical equipment industrial park phase II project is sprinting in July to fully cover the construction goals. "The second phase of the project will help Nanrui JIPS successfully break through a series of key technologies such as power control protection and industrial control." The person in charge of the project introduced, the project reached production after the new annual operating income of 1.8 billion yuan.

This year, Jiangning District will make every effort to promote the construction of 194 major industrial projects in the implementation category, to the end of April, the region's major industrial projects have been completed investment of 14.31 billion yuan, the input rate of 36.1%. Among them, Huichuan Robotics, Kai Shiqi Membership Store, Sinoma lithium-ion battery separator and other 46 projects have been completed and purchased equipment.The region strives to achieve the "first half of the new construction project start rate of 100%" target.

seek investment promotion

Launching a strong "summer offensive"

  As the "main event" of the day's activities, a total investment of 12.42 billion yuan of 17 projects focused on signing, involving smart grid, intelligent manufacturing equipment and other industries.Among them, eight industrial projects with a total investment of 10.02 billion yuan.

  Investment is the "strong engine" of high-quality development. Since the beginning of this year, Jiangning District, "south, north, overseas" investment activities, the first quarter of the cumulative signing of the Polaris technology, 100 megawatts of energy storage projects, such as more than 100 million yuan of 62 projects, with a total investment of 30.6 billion yuan, of which, more than 5 billion yuan of projects, more than 2 projects, more than 1 billion yuan of projects, 7 projects.

"This year we plan to hold a thousand investment conference, two important economic and trade negotiations, five entrepreneurs talks and exchanges, a number of 'small teams' precise docking, comprehensive investment promotion 'active battle'. " The relevant person in charge of the District Business Bureau said that the first half of the year will be anchored in the "high-quality project attraction to complete the year's objectives, the actual total investment, the actual use of foreign capital, start / operate the project to complete the task of over 80% the year" goal, launched the Jiangning Investment "Summer Offensive ".

fight for development

Sprinting for "double half"

  Strive for the second quarter, win the "double half", Jiangning District, blowing the horn of the day and night, each plate "you catch up with me" show "battle chart" - -

  • Jiangning Development Zone, subprovincial district of ShanghaiWill accelerate the implementation of enterprise development accompaniment program, industrial "chain master" enterprise building, wisdom to change the number of network connection and other 11 aspects of the action plan;
  • Qilin Science ParkStrive to achieve 100% of new project starts in the second quarter;
  • Jiangning Hi-tech Zone, Binjiang Development ZoneWill make every effort to fight the initiative and battle for stable industrial growth, and promote investment breakthroughs;
  • Street levelThe mechanism of cross-regional flow of industrial projects will be used to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized industrial zones.

  The relevant person in charge of Jiangning District said, "The project is an important hand of stable growth and expansion of investment. At present, Jiangning District in hand in the negotiation of 448 projects, with a total investment of 280 billion yuan, and strive to sign 80 new projects in the second quarter, to ensure that the first half of the year to complete the annual investment mission over 80%."
