
"Heavy drama", Nanjing sings like this ......

On July 10, Jinling Huntsman invested in a new high-purity isobutylene project in the Jiangbei New Materials Science and Technology Park;

On July 12, the municipal government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shenzhen Myriad Biomedical Electronics Co;

July 14, and China Electronics Technology Group Corporation signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing ...... small summer season, the city's economic development vitality burst, heat. Various types of business subjects continue to "re-position" "position" behind Nanjing, the city continues to optimize the business environment and all-round promotion of economic system reform. Economic system reform is a comprehensive deepening of the reform of the "main event". Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, Nanjing has been studying and implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on comprehensively deepening the reform of the important speeches, the central deployment of the requirements, holding the economic system reform of the "bullnose", high standards, high starting point to plan the reform of the "construction plans ", aiming at the most prominent problems restricting the city's high-quality development, the enterprise masses are most looking forward to the field, resisting external pressure, overcoming internal difficulties, boldly promote economic system reform, the wind and rain forward, the courage to break through the deep water of reform, and continue to make new achievements in modernization, in order to promote the high-quality development of a strong impetus to write a brand-new chapter.

Unleashing development dynamism

Services to create a strongly driven

fountainhead of science, technology and innovation

Zijinshan Laboratory. By Feng Peng, Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News Reporter

Entering the Zijinshan Laboratory building in Jiangning District, the 16 big words of "original innovation, top-ranking, world-class, irreplaceable" come into view, the ambitions are resounding, and the researchers are scrambling for time;

In Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute in Jiangbei New District, the "experimental field" of scientific and technological system reform is watering "scientific and technological innovation flowers" and producing "industrial fruits". One south and one north, showing the strong pulse of Nanjing for scientific and technological innovation "to break the R & D problems" "to explore new ways of transformation".

Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute. Image source: Nanjing Jiangbei New District

Science and technology are the first productive forces, and the field of science and technology is the area most in need of constant reform. How can it be reformed?

"Now that information technology is developing rapidly and disruptive technologies may appear at any time, it is important to take a realistic and solid path of innovation, and make a merit for realizing a high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement." On July 6, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally visited Nanjing and made important instructions to light up the guiding light.

As a national pilot city for scientific and technological talent evaluation reform, the only pilot city for comprehensive reform of the scientific and technological system in China, and a national pilot area for scientific and technological innovation and financial reform, Nanjing has been thinking deeply and acting conscientiously, and has been taking a good "pragmatic and solid" approach to innovation.

In the recently held National Science and Technology Conference, National Science and Technology Award Conference, the General Assembly of Academicians of the two academies, Zijinshan Laboratory won two national science and technology awards, to help the country to realize a high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance to make new achievements.

Grasping original innovation with one hand and transforming the results with the other, Nanjing grasps both with both hands.

National IC Design Automation Technology Innovation Center. File photo

In recent years, the city has continued to deepen the reform of institutions and mechanisms, the implementation of new mechanisms, such as the "list of commanders", "horse-racing system", "milestone assessment" and so on, and to give full play to the advantages of colleges and universities, science and technology creation platforms, industrial foundations, etc. It has accelerated the improvement of the system of basic research, applied research and core technology research, constructed the system of transforming scientific and technological achievements in a coherent manner, continuously stimulated the vigor of innovation, and provided services to build a strong driving force of scientific and technological innovation cogeneration.

Reform and efforts to overcome the dilemma of "unwillingness to switch"

Nanjing jointly with a number of pilot universities and institutes to accelerate the empowerment reform of scientific and technological achievements, and jointly explore the "team holding" and "allocation and investment" modes, and set up "social service teachers". We have jointly explored the mode of "team holding" and "combination of allocation and investment", set up the title of "social service teacher", and invested special funds to set up technological innovation fund projects, so as to untying and decentralizing in a wider range of fields.

As the first project of Jiangning District and Jiangsu Provincial Industrial Technology Research Institute's "allocation and investment combination", Professor Sun Yu of Southeast University led the Sino-British team to develop the "Brain Tumor AI Decision Aid Diagnostic System" which is expected to further complete the system research and development, clinical evaluation within three years, The system is expected to further complete system development, clinical evaluation, system assessment, and submit to the Drug Administration for declaration in three years to actively improve the accuracy of early diagnosis of brain tumors.

Reforms to try to get rid of the "can't turn" barrier

In Nanjing, the story of the "Zijinshan Triad" is always talked about. Zijinshan Laboratory innovation source, Zijinshan Science and Technology City incubation and cultivation, Zijinshan Group financial support, the three parties initially explored from the proof of concept to the scene of application to the incubation of enterprises and then to the industrial empowerment of the "Zijinshan model", to release the innovation of the "tripartite" effect.

Science and technology innovation is "burning money", how to make the enterprise "not bad money"?

The scene of the promotion conference of Nanjing's high-quality construction of science and innovation financial reform pilot zone.

The city continuously strengthens the linkage of monetary policy, financial policy and industrial policy, and creates "Ningke Investment", "Ningchuangrong", "Ningke Loan", "Ningke Debt", "Ningchuangtan" and "Three-Year Action Plan for Enterprises Listing". ", "Ning Chuangchuan", "Three-Year Action Plan for Listing of Enterprises", and this year, it is planned to build a "4+N" industrial fund cluster with a total scale of more than RMB 200 billion. This year, it plans to build a cluster of "4+N" industrial funds with a total scale of over RMB 200 billion, which will guide more "patient capital" to invest in hard science and technology at an early stage. To provide diversified and relay-type financial products for science and innovation enterprises, and to promote the reform of science and innovation finance by "science and technology-industry-finance" high-level cycle to be in the forefront and do demonstration. Nanjing's first "innovation of intellectual property pledge financing model" was recognized by the State Council as one of the seventh batch of reform pilot experiences in the Pilot Free Trade Zone.National replicationThe

Reforms, efforts to cross the "can't turn" gully

The city accelerates the improvement of the docking mechanism of researchers and production line, the launch of the innovation consortium mechanism, led by leading enterprises, the joint industry chain upstream and downstream, universities and institutes platforms, composed of innovation consortium to jointly undertake major research tasks.

July 16, from "sighing Lingding" to "across the Lingding" ShenZhong passageway traffic.

Behind this, as a new material field "invisible champion" of Jiangsu Subotek New Materials Co., Ltd. thematic research formed a number of high-performance concrete standards and specifications results, fully applied to engineering construction.

And it is with the declaration of Nanjing Innovation Consortium as an opportunity, Subotek has united with Southeast University and Dongda Architectural Design Institute and other entities of the innovation chain and industrial chain to carry out the research and development of UHPC (Ultra-High Performance Concrete) material-structure-construction integrated design methodology, to create an integrated platform for industry, academia, research and utilization, and to enhance the industry's technological level and market competitiveness. The company is also working on the research and development of UHPC material-structure-construction integration design method.

Looking at both sides of the Pearl River, the "first shot" of reform and opening up was fired here. And now, in Nanjing, to promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, accelerate the construction of the main bearing area of the industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence of the footsteps can be clearly heard.

II. Building momentum for development

Services to create a new high ground leading the construction of modernized industrial system

In March this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping, while attending the deliberations of his Jiangsu delegation at the second session of the 14th National People's Congress, emphasized, "We should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, and develop new-quality productive forces according to local conditions."

Science and technology innovation is the core element for the development of new productivity, and modernized industrial system is the industrial carrier of new productivity. In recent years, Nanjing has continuously formed important support in industrial supporting capacity, industry chain dominance and brand competitiveness, so that the pulse of reform resonates with the development of new quality productivity.

Founded just 4 years ago, Jiangsu Aerospace 706 Information Technology Co., Ltd. self-developed "Aerospace 706" "Tacteasy" series of terminals, servers, domestic shipments of more than 1 million units (sets), the market share of the country's forefront.

Why so fast?

"Each fist product is inseparable from the synergy of upstream and downstream industrial chain units, as well as the help of Chengmai, Wing Fai and other enterprises in the Software Valley. Here, the advantage of industrial clusters is obvious." Mr. Gu Peng, the general manager of the company, expressed his feelings.

Behind the speed of the improvement of industrial supporting capacity is the deepening of the reform.

Last year, the city launched the implementation of the three-year action plan for industrial strength. This year, "the first meeting of the New Year", the city focused on new industrialization, and further promote the construction of industrial strength. The city will adhere to scientific and technological innovation empowered industrial innovation, high-quality promotion of new industrialization, high-level development of new productivity, and constantly open up new areas, creating new value, shaping new momentum.

Pictures of enterprises

Now, for the four pillar industries represented by iron and steel, petrochemicals, automobiles, etc., the city leads its new development with incremental projects; around the "2+6+6" innovative industrial clusters, each industrial cluster is equipped with a list of leading enterprises and key enterprises cultivation list, a list of industrial chain mapping and investment attraction objects, a list of key investment projects, a special support policy package, an industrial investment fund, a strategic advisory expert committee and an industrial talent pool to promote emerging industries to accelerate the pace of development, specialize in "new" to "quality". A list of leading enterprises and key enterprises cultivation list, a list of industry chain mapping and investment attraction targets, a list of key investment projects, a special support policy package, an industrial investment fund, a strategic advisory expert committee and an industrial talent pool are equipped for each industrial cluster, so as to promote emerging industries to accelerate the pace of development and specialize in "new" to "quality".

Nanjing Biomedical Valley. Picture of the park

Take the biomedical industry for example.

Nanjing "industry strong city action 2024 work points" proposed, the establishment of preclinical research and development of drugs and equipment, drug clinical research and development, industrialization of drugs and equipment, such as the whole cycle of research and development of the incentive funding chain system. In the previously held Yangtze River Delta Biomedical Innovation Research and Industrial Development Conference, Nanjing biomedical technology and industrial development think tank was established. At the same time, the city is actively carrying out the pilot open innovation reform of the whole biomedical industry chain, and carrying out the first and differentiated reform and exploration around the whole chain of product research and development, drug and device review, clinical trials, production and marketing, sales and distribution.

IC Design Building in Pukou Economic Development Zone. Photo courtesy of Propaganda Department of Pukou District

If you work long and hard, you will achieve something.

Pukou Economic and Technological Development Zone (PEDZ) has gathered more than 260 IC enterprises, covering the whole industry chain from design to manufacturing, from testing and packaging to supporting, with the output value accounting for nearly 1/3 of the city's total;

❖ Driven by leading enterprises such as Nanrui Group, Nanjing has clustered 1,200 smart grid-related enterprises, with industrial clusters covering nine key industry chain links such as generation, transmission and transformation, and an industrial scale of more than 360 billion yuan, accounting for 80% of the national market;

Last year, Xuanwu took the lead in proposing to build a "global digital service provider cluster area", benchmarking the first-class construction of the Jiangsu International Data Port ......

Nanjing, the industry chain dominance is increasing day by day.

History, often through the precipitation of time, more obvious veins clear, profound changes.

China (Nanjing) Software Valley. Photo by Feng Peng, Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News reporter

In Yuhuatai District, the length of only 5.3 kilometers of the "Software Avenue" is the first road in Nanjing named after the industry, including Huawei, ZTE, including a number of well-known software leading enterprises at home and abroad, so that it has become a well-deserved development of software and information service clusters "highway. ". 2021, Nanjing software and information service cluster into the first batch of national advanced manufacturing cluster, all the way up. 2023, the city's software and information technology service industry scale of more than 800 billion yuan, an increase of 9.5%, ranked first in the province, the country's forefront, and become the star of the Nanjing industry. According to the Action Plan for Nanjing to Promote the Quality and Upgrade of the Famous Software City and Create Trillion-Dollar Industries, by 2025, the scale of the city's software and information service industry will exceed1 trillion dollarsThe city's first "trillion-dollar industry" is now in a position to be a national model for the improvement and upgrading of China's famous software city. The city's first "trillion industry", its potential has been, its time will come.

III. Broadening the space for development

Pioneer in building new production relations

Nanjing Daily / Zijinshan News reporter Feng Peng Cui Xiao Sun Zhongyuan photo

On June 21, the city held the 2024 Global Industry Science and Technology Innovation and Investment Promotion Conference, with more than 400 representatives from various fields such as industry, science and technology and universities and institutes, financial institutions, foreign consulates in China, and innovation platform organizations gathering in Nanjing to talk about opportunities, cooperation, and the future.

In July last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during his visit to Jiangsu that it is necessary to smooth the domestic and international double cycle, actively open the blockage points and connect the breakpoints, continuously innovate new ways and new measures to attract foreign investment and expand opening up, build a two-way open hub with world convergence, promote the innovative development of foreign trade, and continuously consolidate and expand the international market.

Take up the new mission and be the "vanguard"! The city's pace of high-level opening up continues to accelerate -

Lishui Area of Nanjing LinKong Economic Demonstration Zone. Picture of Lishui Development Zone

✦Nanjing Airside Economic Demonstration Zone was formally approved and inaugurated, and Nanjing Airport Bonded Logistics Center (Type B) was formally closed for operation;

✦Newly opened a number of high-quality routes such as Dhaka, New York, Boston, etc., and promoted the import of chilled aquatic products and other special port projects, revitalizing the "wings" of the fly to the world;

✦Nanjing "China-European liner" has a stable line 8, traveling through China's seven major ports, covering 15 countries, access to more than 70 cities;

✦Basically completed Longtan, Xiba, Xinshengxu three major public-rail intermodal transportation hubs, the total number of near-ocean routes reached 13, the domestic trade trunk line network connected to the Bohai Bay region, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area, transit feeder routes covering the Yangtze River Basin "six provinces and one city." ......

The end of the world and the cape of the unreachable, because the opening up into a stone's throw. Channel with logistics, logistics with economic and trade, economic and trade with industry. Nanjing takes big channels to bring big industries, and empowers the open economy.

Standing on the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, with the river in the wind, more Nanjing to promote a high level of openness and reform of the speed of the rhythm of the river.

Ninghuai Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park. Picture of the park

Without breaking administrative affiliation and administrative barriers, Nanjing has established the function of "strategic pivot", "innovation engine" and "gateway hub" for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and actively promoted the construction of the Nanjing It actively promotes the construction of Nanjing Metropolitan Area, industrial innovation belt along Shanghai and Nanjing, Ningxia-Hangzhou Ecological Economic Belt and Yangzi River City Cluster, and builds innovation chain, industrial chain and supply chain in a wider scope.

In Nanjing, there are more and more opportunities to open up.

Carrying out a comprehensive pilot project to expand and open up the service industry104 articlesMandate implementation rate exceeded80%(math.) genus5 itemsInnovative initiatives have been selected as the second batch of best practice cases of comprehensive pilot demonstration construction for the expansion and opening up of the national service industry, and the opening up has become more and more colorful.
Just on the 8th of this month, the State Council issued an approval document, agreed to temporarily adjust the implementation of a number of administrative regulations and departmental rules and regulations in Nanjing and other six pilot cities to expand the opening up of the service industry, in which Nanjing in the foreign-invested travel agency business, foreign-invested telecommunication business, the management of entertainment venues, the management of commercial performances in a number of areas, to obtain the independent examination and approval rights. In Nanjing, the stage of opening up is getting bigger and bigger.

Nanjing firmly grasp the "Pilot Free Trade Zone + service industry to expand opening up" "double superposition" opportunities, standardized CPTPP, DEPA and other international high standard economic and trade rules to carry out early and pilot implementation, the cumulative formation of theMore than 190 institutional innovations(i) "Intellectual Property Pledge Financing", etc.11 examples of experienceReplication and popularization throughout the country, "building new scenarios for cross-border live service trade", etc.Three cases were recognized as best practice cases of innovative development of national trade in services.

In Nanjing, openness is becoming more and more golden.

Last year, the city's actual use of foreign capital level to maintain positive growth, the scale of reinvestment of foreign capital profits the province's first, cross-border e-commerce, "new three kinds" of export scale arebe located atFirst in the province. Currently, Nanjing has attracted113 homesFortune 500 companies,More than 5000Foreign-funded enterprises are investing and prospering in Ningxia. From January to April this year, Nanjing's new actual use of foreign capitalUS$ 1.57 billionNewly established large projects with total investment and net increase in capital of more than 30 million US dollars.8. The city's cross-border e-commerce import and exportIncrease of 44.51 TP3TThe scale of the province's share of theover 50%The

Reform inevitably requires opening up, and opening up inevitably requires reform.
