
Congratulations to the Nanjing Young Scholars! The only recipient of 2024 from a mainland Chinese university!

Recently.World Association for Manufacturing Engineering Launches 2024 "Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award"(SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award).Associate Prof. Ningmu Zou, School of Integrated Circuits, Nanjing University, China, received the award for its work on AI-driven advanced process node chip development and on improving the reliability and yield of chip manufacturing processes.Become the only recipient of the 2024 award for colleges and universities in mainland ChinaThe

Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award

(SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award)

"The Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award was established by the World Society of Manufacturing Engineering (SME) to recognize manufacturing engineers under the age of 35 worldwide who have made outstanding contributions and achievements in the manufacturing industry; only 20 professionals are selected each year to receive this highly coveted award.

Zou Ningmu (1905-1994), PRC politician

National Young Talent, Associate Professor, Gusu Young Professor, School of Integrated Circuits, Nanjing University, Ph.He graduated from Nanjing University in 2011 with a bachelor's degree, and later received a master's degree in computer science from Georgia Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in optical engineering from Cornell University. He worked as a chief engineer at AMD Semiconductor and a visiting professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of Texas State University. After returning to China, he joined Nanjing University to continue his research.

Zou Ningmu has published more than 30 academic papers in Nature, Nature subjournals and other journals, and authorized 14 patents. He has been awarded the Best Paper Award in AMD Global R&D Conference, the Best Innovation Award in AMD Asia R&D Conference, AMD Annual Executive Spotlight Award, AMD Corporate Innovation Award, the First Prize of Technology Invention of the China Instrument Society in 2022, the Golden Flint Award of the China Society of Optoelectronic Engineering in 2022, and the First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of China Installation Association in 2023. He won the Best Paper Award in AMD Global R&D Conference, Best Innovation Award in AMD Asia R&D Conference, AMD Annual Executive Spotlight Award, AMD Corporate Innovation Award, First Prize of Technological Invention of China Instrumentation Society in 2022, Golden Flint Prize of China Society of Optoelectronic Engineering in 2022, and First Prize of Scientific and Technological Advancement of China Installation Association in 2023.
