
The city's manufacturing industry "wisdom to change the number to the network connection" work to promote the meeting was held

July 22, the city's manufacturing industry "wisdom to change the number to network connection" work to promote the meeting. Municipal government deputy mayor Wu Wei attended the meeting and delivered a speech, municipal government deputy secretary-general Zheng Xiaoming presided over the meeting. Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology informed the city's manufacturing industry since 2023, "wisdom to change the number of network" work to promote the situation, and the next step in the deployment of key work. Jiangbei New Area Management Committee, Qixia District Government, Pukou District Government, Liuhe District Government, Nanjing Economic Development Zone Management Committee in charge of responsible comrades in the field exchange of speeches, other boards made a written exchange of speeches.

The main task of the meeting is to implement the spirit of the provincial government to promote the work and the city's manufacturing industry, "wisdom to change the digital network" three-year action plan, review and summarize the work since 2023, study and deploy the next phase of the key tasks, greater efforts, higher quality to promote the intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry, digital transformation, network connection, and promote the high-quality development of the city's manufacturing industry, comprehensively contribute to the construction of industrial strength. High-quality development of the city's manufacturing industry, and comprehensively assist the construction of industrial strength.

Wu Wei emphasized that the year 2024 is the province's manufacturing industry, "wisdom to change the number of turn" three-year action plan for the closing year, but also the city's new round of manufacturing industry, "wisdom to change the number of turn network" three-year action plan for the start of the year.

To effectively raise awareness.The city has a solid industrial base, strong scientific and educational strength, the implementation of the manufacturing industry, "wisdom to change the number of network connection" is not only to empower the "4266" industrial system, to enhance the core competitiveness of the industry is an important hand, but also to promote changes in the manufacturing industry model, the development of new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions The urgent need.

We need to focus on the implementation of key tasks.We will strive to create more demonstration benchmarks above the provincial level, systematically promote the national pilot cities for digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen the cultivation services and dynamic management of service providers, and do a good job of analyzing and monitoring the provincial-to-municipal assessment indicators.

To attach great importance to the penetration and application of new technologies and products.Strengthen artificial intelligence, industrial software, intelligent hardware promotion and empowerment, amplify the brand effect of the National Pilot Zone for Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application, vigorously promote the "Artificial Intelligence +" action, and guide high-quality service providers and key industrial enterprises to jointly develop large models of the industry and the enterprise's exclusive model. Combined with the implementation of the city's industrial software development action plan, to small and medium-sized enterprises to focus on the promotion of a number of small, fast, light and accurate industrial software.

To focus more on networked connectivity.Deepen cooperation with basic telecom operators, accelerate the construction of 5G-A and passive fiber optic networks, and support the transformation and upgrading of corporate intranets. Strengthen the construction and supply of arithmetic power, and through the deployment and application of arithmetic power, link network, chip, big data and other industries to cultivate the formation of more new quality productivity. Support leading enterprises to build industry-level, regional-level and double-span industrial Internet platforms, and vigorously promote small and medium-sized enterprises to get on the cloud and platform.

To create a series of branded events thatContinue to run the World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference, Software Conference and other major events, combined with the "Ning Gong Pin Push" supply and demand docking and other series of activities, targeted to the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises to publicize the popularity of typical cases, and guide enterprises to take the initiative to integrate into the "wisdom to change the number to the network connection". The boom of "smart change, digitalization, network connection".

To strengthen policy support.All departments and boards should actively seize the current national promotion of large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in action opportunities, make full use of the national and provincial and municipal support policies, take the initiative to act as a series of supporting policies in conjunction with the actual development of a series of complementary policies, the formation of the policy stacking effect, to enhance confidence in the transformation of enterprises, and to stabilize the expectations of enterprise development.

The relevant departments and units of the city, the governments of all districts, the Administrative Committee of Jiangbei New Area, the Administrative Committee of National Development Zone in charge of the responsible comrades and the main responsible comrades in charge of the competent departments of industry and information attended the meeting.
