
Metro Line 9 Gulou Section

In the scorching sun, steaming hot weather, Nanjing Metro Line 9 Gulou section ushered in the construction of new developments. Subway builders fear the summer heat, in the first line of the construction site sweat, silent perseverance, and steadily promote the progress of subway construction.

Line 9 Sanchahe Station ~ Longjiang Station

Shield structure of the right line interval started smoothly

Recently, with Line 9 Sanchahe Station ~ Longjiang Station interval (hereinafter referred to as "Sanlong Interval") right line shield positive 2-ring pipe piece assembly is completed, the shield machine tail brush safely into the start of the short sleeve, Sanlong Interval right line shield successfully started, marking the TA02 standard civil engineering 1 work area officially entered the Sanlong Interval double shield tunneling stage.

The Sanlong Interval starts from the south end of Sanchahe Station and is received at the north end of Longjiang Station. The line is laid along the northeast road of the river after leaving Sanchahe Station, and enters Longjiang Station after passing through many buildings, which makes the construction difficult, and the environment and geological conditions around the line are complicated.

In order to ensure the smooth start of the shield structure, Nanjing Metro led the construction units to summarize the experience of the left line of the Sanlong Interval in the process of technical summary, to further optimize and refine the right line of the start of the preparatory work, and at the same time, to the left line of the Sanlong Interval under the DINGHUAIMEN TUNNEL tunnel boring the whole process of the review, to ensure that the right line of the Sanlong Interval under the DINGHUAIMEN TUNNEL smooth progress. In addition, Nanjing Metro combines the actual situation of the site, sorting out the major risk points, coordinating the construction force, the entire duty watch, and carrying out all the work in a solid and orderly manner to ensure that the preparatory work before the shield construction is put into place.

In the subsequent shield tunneling process, Nanjing Metro will continue to be rooted in the scene, strictly control the tunneling procedures and processes, in accordance with the requirements of the shield construction of the whole process of control, to ensure the smooth passage of the hole, for the subsequent construction of the project to advance on schedule to lay the foundation.
