
How effective is it to update the new? What are the opportunities?

Today, a press conference was held at the Nanjing Municipal Press Conference Hall, in which the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Bureau of Finance, Construction Commission, Bureau of Commerce, and Market Supervision Bureau briefed on the situation related to the policy of promoting large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement with new ones in Nanjing.

May 8

NJ Issued to Promote Large-Scale Equipment Replacement

and Consumer Goods Trade-in Program

What's the progress so far?

According to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission

In the three months since the issuance of the Program, the cumulative total of equipment upgraded in various areas is about73,000 unitsThe total investment is about24 billion dollars; automobile subsidies to pull consumption amounted to more than9.5 billion dollars; organizing various kinds of renewal and replacement publicity, matchmaking, and consumer promotion activitiesMore than 150 sessionsThe satisfaction and sense of achievement of enterprises and the public have been effectively enhanced.

"Nanjing, as an important center city in the eastern region, the Yangtze River Delta mega-city, the capital city of Jiangsu Province, the manufacturing industry has a good foundation, the obvious advantages of the product supply, the trade and circulation industry is developed, and the potential for renewal and replacement is large. 2023, the city's retail sales of automobiles, home appliances and other consumer durables exceeded 150 billion yuan, and the equipment manufacturing industry accounted for the proportion of the value added of the above-subscribed industry exceeded 50%. A solid foundation has been laid for promoting the 'two new' policies." Qian Wei, director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, said that in order to strongly promote investment and consumption, and to promote high-quality development, the Program:

Strive to 2027, the city's eight major areas of equipment investment scale compared to 2023 increased by about 30%, the proportion of advanced production capacity in key industries increased significantly, high-quality consumer durables market share increased significantly, and the level of resource recovery and recycling continued to improve.
