
Nanjing's service industry opens up more favorably

The State Council recently approved and agreed to temporarily adjust the implementation of the relevant provisions of the Interim Regulations on the Registration and Administration of Private Non-Enterprise Units, the Regulations on Travel Agencies, the Regulations on the Administration of Entertainment Venues, the Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Performances, and the Regulations on Special Administrative Measures for the Entry of Foreign Investments (Negative List) (2021 Edition) in six pilot cities for the expansion and opening up of the service industry, including Nanjing. There are six items of adjustment involving Nanjing, covering outbound tourism business, performing arts and cultural tourism, and telecommunication services.

According to the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the adjustments involving Nanjing are mainly divided into two categories: one is the elimination of access restrictions, allowing foreign-funded travel agencies that meet the relevant conditions to engage in outbound tourism business except for China and Taiwan, opening up the domestic Internet virtual private network business to foreign investors (with a foreign share ratio of no more than 50%), and canceling the foreign share ratio for value-added telecom businesses such as information service business and Internet access services. Restrictions. Another category is the decentralization of approval authority, which mainly includes the approval authority of "application for engaging in entertainment business activities by entertainment venues established with investment from foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors", the approval authority of "establishment of performance venues operating units, performance brokers, etc. by foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors", and the approval authority of "establishment of performance venues operating units, performance brokers, etc.". The examination and approval authority of "foreign, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors investing in the establishment of performance venues, performance brokers", and the examination and approval authority of "organizing commercial performances attended by foreign or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan cultural and artistic performance groups or individuals" have been delegated to the competent authorities at the municipal level.

Jiangsu outbound travel foundation is good, the foreign-invested travel agencies allowed to set up in Nanjing and meet the relevant conditions to engage in related outbound tourism business, will further enliven the province's outbound tourism market, also means that there will be more diversified outbound tourism products for consumers to choose. In addition, entertainment venues, commercial performances and several other open initiatives, will further prosper the Nanjing entertainment performance market, is conducive to domestic and foreign outstanding performances repertoire, programs introduced into Jiangsu, and is conducive to boosting cultural consumption in the province.

In order to allow foreign investment to "come in", but also to improve the "comfort level" of foreign investment, the

Points to expand the opening-up policy aims to further promote the facilitation of foreign investment. The relevant person in charge of the Nanjing Tong Management Office introduced, for example, the clear opening of the domestic Internet virtual private network business, will facilitate the staff of foreign enterprises to remotely access the company's internal network.

To allow foreign investment "to come", but also to improve foreign investment "comfort", the pilot expansion of opening-up policies aimed at further promoting the facilitation of foreign investment. Nanjing through the Office of the relevant person in charge of the introduction, such as the clear opening of the domestic Internet virtual private network business, will facilitate the remote access to the company's internal network of foreign employees.
