
Zijinshan Labs: Entering the 6G "No Man's Land"

On July 6, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited and researched in Nanjing. He came to the Zijinshan Laboratory, walked into the exhibition hall and the 6G comprehensive laboratory, and learned in detail about the promotion of major scientific and technological tasks and other circumstances. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that information technology is now developing rapidly, and subversive technologies may appear at any time, so it is necessary to take a realistic and solid path of innovation, and make a merit for realizing a high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

Once more into the Purple Mountain Laboratory

Experience the city's "highest elevation" mountain on the ground!

Named place of innovation

Accelerating to the heights of science

Breakthroughs! Innovations continue to emerge

When you enter the building, the first thing that catches your eyes is the 16 big words "Original Innovation, Top-notch, World-class, Irreplaceable".

Further in, the welcoming staff introduced themselves:"We have new results to release to the public next week!"

There are new results! And just a few days before the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Awards Conference, the General Assembly of Academicians of the two academies, Zijinshan Laboratory, Academician You Xiaohu team results "CMOS millimeter-wave large-scale integration of flat-panel phased array technology and industrialization," Prof. Hong Wei team results "microwave millimeter-wave test technology and measurement instrumentation," has just been awarded the second prize of the National Award for Technological Inventions, the National Award for Scientific and Technological Progress, the second prize.

The time is further ahead. From April 16 to 18 this year, with the theme of "Innovation Foreseeing 6G Future", the 2024 Global 6G Technology Conference organized by Future Mobile Communications Forum and Purple Mountain Laboratory was held in Nanjing. As one of the organizers, Purple Mountain Laboratory displayed some of its achievements, including the 6G end-to-end integrated test platform, 6G cell-free radio access network system, and the world's first 6G integrated laboratory built in China.

At the beginning of 2022, Zijinshan Laboratory completed the world's first 6G photonic terahertz real-time wireless transmission communication experiment, and at the end of 2023 realized a real-time transmission rate of 1Tbps, once again refreshing the world's highest real-time transmission record in the field of terahertz wireless communication, and the transmission capacity has been enhanced by 100 times compared with 5G.Why is this ace lab so rewarding?

"The care of the General Secretary is a strong motivation for us to carry out technical research." Led by You Xiao Hu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chief scientist of the Zijinshan Laboratory, team members endeavor to race against time. Everyone breaks down the target task into monthly and weekly, riveting and grasping the time to carry out technical research.

"The next three to four years will be the most critical period for the development of 6G." You Shohu said, "We will work harder to live up to the General Secretary's expectations of us."
Joint! Thousands of Teams Collaborate on Research

General Secretary Xi Jinping always puts research talents in his heart, which impresses all the scientific and technical staff of Zijinshan Laboratory.

Liu Yunjie, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the chief scientist of the Purple Mountain Laboratory, said that when General Secretary Xi Jinping exchanged views with him on Dec. 13, 2014, he asked with concern: "Has the team come through?" Last July, he reported to the General Secretary: the Purple Mountain Laboratory has brought together a research team of more than 1,000 people.

In the laboratory, the presence of scientific researchers both gray hair of the older generation, but also the stature of the "70", "80", and many "90". It is reported thatAt present, more than 40% of the team's scientific researchers are doctors, of which there are more than 20 postdoctoral fellows in the station, 4 academicians of the two academies, and more than 70 high-end talents at national and provincial levels.In the case of communication technology, for example, three generations of R&D talents, including You Xiao Hu, have been concentrated.

Liu Yunjie introduced: "Our approach is to keep people by their career, to provide them with an innovation platform that can do the right thing, can do great things, and can produce results, and to motivate more and more people with ideals and aspirations and a sense of mission to get together. In addition, we have also developed a better incentive mechanism to encourage the scientific research results to land and produce economic benefits, we put 90% of the proceeds of scientific research results for the benefit of the team, which greatly enhances their innovation vitality and enthusiasm."

Taking the 6G field as an example, as the next generation of mobile communication technology, which is a strategic high point of the future competition among the big powers, at the end of 2018, Purple Mountain Laboratory, relying on Southeast University, jointly built the Purple Mountain Laboratory 6G key technology research team. The team is led by the chief scientist, with young researchers as the main body, in the face of fierce competition and the challenge of technological "no man's land", actively play the role of the main force and commando, bravely undertake the mission, the courage to climb the peak, and race against time to carry out technological research.

On April 29, the results of the 28th China Youth May 4th Medal were announced, and the 6G key technology research team of the Purple Mountain Laboratory was awarded the 28th "China Youth May 4th Medal Collective", which became the first youth collective to be awarded since the establishment of the Purple Mountain Laboratory.

"Subsequently, the laboratory will continue to strengthen the construction of the talent team, especially to strengthen the attraction and cultivation of young leaders, to help the laboratory research and innovation of high-quality development." You Xiao Hu said.Moving Forward! Remembering the mission to make new achievements

In a prominent place in the exhibition hall of the Purple Mountain Laboratory, there is also a national flag numbered 2023-0150. This meaningful flag, which had flown high in Tiananmen Square on the seventh National Day of Science and Technology Workers (May 30, 2023), was awarded to the Purple Mountain Laboratory on December 15 last year. This is the first science laboratory to be honored with a flag raised in Tiananmen Square.

This is an honor, but also a heavy responsibility and mission.

At present, Nanjing is focusing on building the main carrying area of industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence. Striving to promote industrial science and technology innovation, the national strategic science and technology force is a strong support. For the development of Zijinshan Laboratory, Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government attaches great importance to, in many important meetings, important planning frequently mentioned. This year, the Nanjing municipal government work report clearly to support its major scientific and technological tasks.

How to promote strategic scientific and technological forces "convergence" breakthrough? You Xiao Hu combined with the development of the laboratory to put forward their own understanding: "should adhere to the national strategic needs of focusing on major scientific research tasks, and continue to deepen the innovation of the system and mechanism, gathering a high level of innovative talent, and exploring the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the Zijinshan Laboratory path."

You Xiao Hu said, Zijinshan Laboratory will be ten or even twenty years of perseverance, and strive to open up new paths of technological and industrial development; will continue to build a world-class, open, sustainable expansion of the major scientific and technological infrastructure, planting scientific and technological innovation foundation, in order to build the Laboratory into the field of originality, the leading scientific and technological results of the curator to provide strong support; will be fully committed to promoting a number of leading scientific research results We will make every effort to promote a number of leading scientific research results to go out of the laboratory and apply them in emerging application scenarios such as "East counts, West counts", low-altitude economy, satellite Internet, etc., so as to empower the cultivation and development of related emerging industries and future industries in Jiangsu Province.

You Xiao Hu said that Zijinshan Laboratory will further remember the General Secretary Xi Jinping's entrustment, strengthen the mission to take on the role of attacking more key core technologies, to help Jiangsu to build a globally influential industrial science and technology innovation center, for the national science and technology self-reliance and self-reliance to make new achievements.
