
Total investment of 3 billion! Groundbreaking for two base projects in Lishui

March 26, morningXingyin Yunjia Traditional Chinese Medicine Industrialization BaseXingyin Pharmaceutical Medical Products Production BaseThe groundbreaking ceremony was held in Lishui Development Zone.

District leaders Tang Huiwei, Liu Jia and Jane Enlin laid the foundation stone for the project.

  Liu Jia, member of the standing committee of the district committee and deputy mayor of the district, said in his speech that the Xingyin Yunjia traditional Chinese medicine industrialization base and the Xingyin Pharmaceuticals medical products production base project are a perfect match with Lishui's accelerated promotion of the development of new medicines and new health industries. We hope that Oriental Yunca and Xingyin Pharmaceuticals will combine their strengths, adhere to the principle of "quality first and benefit priority", and push forward the construction of the production base at full speed. The development zone will provide more and better services and support to help the project go into operation as soon as possible.

Get up and learn about the two base programs

Xingyin Yunjia Traditional Chinese Medicine Industrialization Base

  Total project investment1.8 billion dollarsWith a land area of 100 acres, the new traditional Chinese medicine production base includes pre-treatment workshop, extraction workshop, comprehensive preparation workshop, comprehensive warehouse, quality inspection building, research and development center, academic conference center, alcohol precipitation workshop, and utility facilities, etc. It is expected that after reaching the production...Annual output value 10Billions of dollars, 180 million dollars in tax revenueThe

Xingyin Pharmaceutical Medical Products Production Base

  Total project investment1.2 billion dollarsWith a land area of 67 acres, the main construction includes pre-treatment workshop of traditional Chinese medicine, comprehensive extraction workshop, comprehensive preparation workshop, alcohol precipitation workshop, comprehensive warehouse, quality inspection center, public supporting facilities, etc. It is expected that after reaching production.Annual output value of 500 million yuan, tax revenue of 35 million yuanThe

 "The two base projects landed in the development zone of new medicine and life and health industry play a powerful role in strengthening the chain, we will rely on the later attraction of the project process of the Oriental Yunjia and the Star Silver Pharmaceuticals on the pharmaceutical plate to make up for the chain, to drive the development zone of the related industries to accelerate the growth and development." Development Zone, said the relevant person in charge.

 Nanjing Xingyin PharmaceuticalWith more than 20 years of deep plowing in Lishui, invested and built by Shenzhen Xingyin Pharmaceutical in Lishui Development Zone in September 2001, it is a new type of pharmaceutical enterprise integrating the research and development, production and sales of western drugs, APIs and healthcare products, and a national high-tech enterprise.Beijing Oriental YungaIt is a national high-tech enterprise, specializing in the research and development, production and sales of innovative Chinese medicines, with a variety of innovative Chinese medicines.
