
The Latest! About Lishui Elementary School Students

Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education issuedImplementation Plan for the Reform of the Physical Education and Health Curriculum in Primary Schools in Jiangsu Province (for trial implementation)(hereinafter referred to as the Program). Together with the specific requirements -


  The Program states.Deployment in the province to carry out elementary school physical education and health curriculum reform work, is the implementation of the party's education policy, to do a good job of people's satisfaction with the education of the practical initiatives, is to promote students' physical and mental health, all-round development of the effective grasp. The province's elementary school should be in the opening of the full opening of the national provisions of the "physical education and health" curriculum based on the full guarantee of one hour of physical exercise every day, to promote the students' physical fitness and health pass rate, the rate of excellence increased significantly, myopia rate, obesity rate significantly reduced.
  The Program specifies that.In accordance with the idea of "regional advancement and step-by-step implementation", the implementation of one physical education class a day in elementary school was fully implemented in the fall semester of 2024, and full coverage of elementary school in the province was achieved in the fall semester of 2025. Elementary school grades 1-2 can take the "4+1" model, in the original four physical education classes on the basis of adding a "fun track and field" "happy gymnastics" and other School characteristics of the sports program class; elementary school grades 3-6 can be in accordance with the "3 + 1 + 1" model, the use of "basic compulsory courses + physical fitness classes + class option class" mode of scientific planning curriculum. Schools can optimize the protection of physical education teachers in various ways, such as "entering, transferring, training, hiring and sending", and ensure the orderly development of physical education teaching and training through the training of general education teachers and internships for college physical education students. Increase efforts to build new, renovated and expanded sports facilities in schools, increase the area of sports venues per student in schools, and equip them with adequate sports facilities and equipment. Safety inspections of sports venues and equipment are conducted in a timely manner, and a comprehensive insurance mechanism for students covering accidental injuries from sports activities is being improved to ensure the safety of physical education classes.
  The Program requires that.Local education administrations should include the implementation of physical education curriculum reform as a key element of their work, optimize the structure of funding expenditures, guarantee funding for the teaching of one physical education class per day and for students' physical education activities, and implement safeguards to ensure that the implementation of the programme is steadily advanced and effectively carried out. It is strictly prohibited to cut physical education hours, and other disciplines and activities are strictly prohibited from crowding out physical education hours for any reason. To establish and improve the province, municipalities, counties (cities, districts) three-level physical education curriculum implementation of special supervision system, the first pilot counties (cities, districts) education administration and elementary school implementation of supervision, and into the supervision and evaluation of the education administration indicators.
