


On April 2, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and the People’s Government of Lishui District jointly organized a visit to Lishui, Nanjing for international economic and trade partners, arranging for representatives from economic and trade organizations outside the Chinese Mainland with offices in Jiangsu Province and from key export-oriented enterprises to visit Lishui District, and holding a work exchange meeting, which saw the participation of nearly 40 delegates hailing from over 10 countries and regions, including Germany, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Macau. Related leaders from the Special Commissioner’s Office of the Ministry of Commerce in Nanjing, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Foreign Affairs Office of Nanjing Municipal People’s Government, and the People’s Government of Lishui District were also in attendance. 

市商务局分管领导介绍了南京商务经济发展情况和下一步工作打算,表示当前正以推动开放型经济高质量发展赋能高水平对外开放,加快服务构建具有世界聚合力的双向开放枢纽。欢迎代表们广泛参与“国际经贸合作伙伴走进南京”系列活动,充分发挥桥梁纽带作用,组织会员企业和境外代表团到南京走一走、看一看,宣传推介南京,共商合作发展。The relevant leaders from the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce briefed on the development of Nanjing’s business and economy and the plans for future work, saying that the current focus is on promoting the high-quality development of an open economy to empower high-level opening-up, and on accelerating the creation of “a two-way open hub with global convergence power”. Delegates are welcome to extensively participate in the visit to Nanjing for international economic and trade partners to fully leverage their role as bridges and organize visits to Nanjing for member enterprises and delegations outside the Chinese Mainland for the purpose of promoting Nanjing and discussing cooperation and joint development.

溧水区相关负责同志在交流会上推介了辖区投资环境,部分境外驻苏经贸机构代表、外资企业代表进行了交流发言。During the exchange meeting, local officials in Lishui District introduced the local investment environment. Some representatives from the economic and trade organizations and foreign-funded enterprises exchanged views and delivered speeches.

代表一行先后考察调研溧水农产品出口企业代表和特色文旅项目,充分了解南京外向型企业发展现状、感受南京山水城林风貌的魅力。The delegates visited typical agricultural product exporters and distinctive cultural tourism projects in Lishui District. This immersive experience allowed them to fully understand the current development of export-oriented enterprises in Nanjing and appreciate the captivating allure of the city’s natural and urban landscapes.


This year, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce gives a priority to the Visit to Nanjing for International Economic and Trade Partners. Representatives from economic and trade organizations outside the Chinese Mainland, business associations, and foreign-funded enterprises were invited to visit key sectors and industrial parks in Nanjing, accompanied by tailored economic and trade exchange and matchmaking activities aligning with the specific industry characteristics of each sector. The primary goal is to expand Nanjing’s network of economic and trade cooperation, explore mutual investment opportunities, and seek out high-quality collaborative projects. With two successful events already completed, the upcoming plans aim to further enhance two-way interactive communication and establish connections with global economic and trade resources.
