


With the increasing resumption of international passenger and cargo flights, the import and export cargo volume at Nanjing Lukou International Airport has significantly increased. According to statistics, in the first quarter of 2024, Nanjing Airport imported a total of 1,488.8 tons of fresh produce such as lobsters, eels, and blue crabs, marking an increase of 18.3% compared to the previous quarter. During the same period, the Nanjing Lukou International Airport Customs under Nanjing Customs supervised the export of 12,500 tons of goods, representing a year-on-year increase of 60.8%. Among them, the export of cross-border e-commerce goods reached 6,837 tons, a 4.22-fold increase compared to the same period.


On the evening of March 29, a batch of approximately 15 tons of eels arrived at Nanjing Lukou International Airport. After passing the inspection and clearance by the Nanjing Lukou International Airport Customs, fresh produce was distributed to major supermarkets, farmers’ markets, and catering companies in the Yangtze River Delta region within three hours. With the continuous improvement of living standards, Chinese consumers’ demands for imported fresh produce continue to rise. As the largest port of entry for fresh produce in Jiangsu Province, Nanjing receives a dedicated cargo flight carrying “imported fresh food” almost every day.

据介绍,由于生鲜货品的通关时效要求极高,而南京空港口岸的入境生鲜全货机几乎都在夜间到港,南京禄口机场海关贴近航班需求,做到“人等飞机”,通过关企联络员机制在生鲜抵港前对接进口商,落实提前申报、“即到即查”等通关便利化措施,确保生鲜货物到港后第一时间实施查验。It is reported that due to the high time requirements for clearance of fresh goods, the inbound cargo flights carrying fresh produce at Nanjing Airport mostly arrive at night. The Nanjing Lukou International Airport Customs closely coordinates with flight demands, ensuring timely communication with importers before the arrival of fresh produce. They implement measures such as advance declaration and “inspection upon arrival” to facilitate customs clearance, ensuring that fresh goods are inspected immediately upon arrival.

一边是生鲜进口“活蹦乱跳”,一边是跨境电商出口“热火朝天”。3月30日下午,在南京禄口机场国际货运中心出口货物装卸区,一批批来自各大头部电商平台的货物在南京禄口机场海关的监管下通关。While fresh imports are “alive and kicking”, cross-border e-commerce exports are also thriving. On the afternoon of March 30, in the export cargo handling area of Nanjing Lukou International Airport International Freight Center, goods from major e-commerce platforms underwent customs clearance under the supervision of Nanjing Lukou International Airport Customs.

“与去年一季度相比,纽约、达卡直飞航线的开通使得跨境电商的平台和种类更加丰富,南京禄口机场海关便捷的通关保障也有效地帮助我们控制了成本。”港中旅华贸国际物流南京分公司跨境电商业务负责人说。”Compared to the first quarter of last year, the opening of direct flights to New York and Dhaka has enriched the platforms and categories of cross-border e-commerce. The convenient customs clearance provided by Nanjing Lukou International Airport Customs has effectively helped us control costs”, said the person in charge of cross-border e-commerce business at CTS International Logistics Corporation Limited Nanjing Branch.

目前,南京禄口国际机场已开通国际全货机货运航线6条,其中3条洲际航线主要搭载跨境电商货物,包括小家电、日用品、服装、玩具、装饰品等;开通国际(地区)客运腹仓带货航线25条,通达14个航点,覆盖欧洲、大洋洲、亚洲等地区。Currently, Nanjing Lukou International Airport has opened six international cargo routes for full cargo aircraft, three of which are continental routes primarily dedicated to cross-border e-commerce goods, including small household appliances, daily necessities, clothing, toys, and decorations. It has also opened 25 international (regional) passenger routes with cargo belly space, covering 14 destinations in Europe, Oceania, Asia, and other regions.

南京禄口机场为跨境电商转关货物提供预约通关服务,加强与场站、机场等部门沟通对接,货物运抵后快查快验,运用“机坪直提”“空空联程”等快速通关模式确保跨境电商货物高效通关。Nanjing Lukou International Airport provides appointment-based customs clearance services for cross-border e-commerce transit goods. It strengthens communication and coordination with stations and airport departments, conducts fast inspections upon the arrival of goods, and utilizes rapid customs clearance models such as “direct pick-up from the apron” and “air-air connection” to ensure efficient customs clearance for cross-border e-commerce goods.
